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Paper Crumple Review

I found this fun review somewhere on the Net. The students divide a sheet of paper into four quadrants by drawing two lines. In the top right quadrant, they write something they have learned while studying the unit. Then everyone crumples his paper up and throws it across the room. They then pick up the crumpled paper nearest them, open it up, write something they have learned in the upper left quadrant, recrumple the paper, and toss it across the room again. This continues until all quadrants are filled.

Each students at this point grabs a crumpled paper. The first student opens his paper, reads what is written in the first quadrant, and calls on another student to provide an example or clarification of the first point. Then the next student reads what is in his first quadrant and designates a student to clarify. This contiues until each student has read every point in every quadrant.

I ended the activity by allowing the students to play trash can basketball.
