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Writing Packet 3 Evaluation

Grading Scale

8=one mistake or flaw
0=more than one mistake or flaw

I will evaluate your composition based on the following characteristics:

_____1. The paragraph follows the 12323 format with one topic sentence followed by supporting sentences.

_____2. Both 3rd power sentences contain specific examples.

_____3. All 2nd and 3rd power sentences relate directly to the topic sentence.

_____4. The paragraph contains no "to be" verbs--am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being.

_____5. The paragraph contains no fragments or run-on sentences; all sentences are complete.

_____6. Each sentence is written in active voice.

_____7. The paragraph contains no spelling errors.

_____8. Commas used to separate items in a series and two independent clauses joined by a conjunction are used correctly. No unnecessary commas appear.

_____9. Second power sentences begin with a word to signal a transition.

_____10. The paragraph appears neat--it is written in ink with one-inch margins all around, the first sentence is indented, and none of the words are crossed out.
