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Writing Packet #5 Evaluation

8=one mistake
0=more than one mistake

_____1. Paragraph follows 1232323 format,making sure that all supporting sentences relate directly to topic sentence.

_____2. One sentence reverses the traditional subject/verb word order to add sentence variety.

_____3. One sentence appropriately ends in an exclamation; this sentence should contain a surprising fact or an interjection.

_____4. One sentence opens with an adverb after the transition word. This adverb should be in addition to any adverbial transition words.

_____5. One sentence should demonstrate a sentence variation you have already learned. Choose from the following: topic sentence as a question, open with a prepositional phrase after the transition word, or, in addition to #4 above, another sentence which opens with an adverb after the transition word.

_____6. 2nd and 3rd power sentences should start with a transition.

_____7. Include all necessary commas and exclude any unnecessary commas.

_____8. The paragraph contains no "be" verbs.

_____9. All sentences are complete; the paragraph contains no fragments or run ons.

_____10. Appearance: the paragraph is indented, written in ink, contains no crossed-out words, capitalized correctly, and contains no misspelled words.
