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Composition Evaluation #8

10 points=all elements present

0=one error or flaw

I will evaluate your paragraph on the following criteria:

_____1. The paragraph follows a 1232323 pattern with an engaging topic sentence and detailed supporting sentences.

_____2. The paragraph contains strong, active verbs and contains no more than one "be" verb.

_____3. To enhance paragraph interest using a variety of sentences, one sentence opens (after the transition word of course) with a present infinitive: to + verb. Check your notes for clarification.

_____4. Again to increase interest by adding variety, one sentence opens with a perfect infinitive: to + have+ verb. Check your notes for clarification.

_____5. For even more sentence variety, open one sentence with a present participle phrase. Remember, a present participle phrase functions as an adjective, not a noun. Again, check your notes.

_____6. Choose two additional sentence variations that you have learned and incorporate them into this paragraph.

_____7. Use appropriate transitions before each supporting sentence.

_____8. The paragraph either tells how the two chosen topic items are the same or tells how they are different.

_____9. The paragraph employs standard grammar and punctuation; focus especially on commas. Refer to your grammar text if you need help.

_____10. The paragraph is written neatly in ink, contains no crossed-out words, contains correctly spelled words, contains complete sentences, and is indented.
