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Evaluation for Writing Packet 9

For your final writing packet, I want to ensure that you know the qualities of a well-written powergraph. Therefore, I would like you to fill in the blanks below. For some of the items more than one right answer will exist. Whatever you choose, make sure your powergraph comforms.

_____1. The paragraph follows a _______________ pattern with a focused ________________ sentence and detailed ___________________ sentences.

_____2. The paragraph contains no more than one "be" verb; the eight "be" verbs include________________________________________.
< br> _____3. ___________________ words appear before each 2nd and 3rd power sentence.

_____4. For sentence variety, the paragraph contains one sentence that opens with a __________________.

_____5. Again for sentence variety, the paragraph contains one sentence that _________________________.

_____6. Once more for sentence varitey, the paragraph contains a sentence that __________________________.

_____7. The sentence contains a concluding sentence.

_____8. One sentence opens with a direct object.

_____9. The paragraph contains no _____________ or run-on ____________________.

_____10. List five things that your little old lady English teacher would want you to do in this paragraph:
