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Composition Evaluation Form

Below you will find a list of the characteristics of of good writing. I will grade your paragraph using these ten characteristics. I grade each characteristic using the following scale:

10=perfect; gave me goose bumps
9=outstanding; little room for improvement
8=good, solid effort; contains one error or flaw
7=getting there; contains two errors or flaws
6=needs work; contains three errors or flaws
0=contains more than three flaws; do not pass go; do not collect $200

Your paragraph will be evaluated three times before you turn it in: once by you, once by a classmate, and once by me. This packet contains three identical evaluation forms. Use the first to evaluate your own paragraph. Read each characteristic and honestly rate each according to how well you think you have completed the requirement. You should give the second form to a classmate, and he or she should read your paragraph and evaluate your writing. Finally, you should schedule a writing conference with me, and I will fill out the third form. You will then be aware of your paragraph's weaker points and be ready to correct them for your final, perfect draft.

1. The paragraph contains a well-limited topic sentence.

2. The paragraph contains one 2nd power sentence.

3. An example (3rd power) follows the first 2nd power sentence.

4. The paragraph contains a second 2nd power sentence.

5. A example (3rd power) follows the second 2nd power sentence.

6. Both third power sentences are specific examples.

7. All 2nd and 3rd power sentences directly relate to the topic sentence.

8. All sentences are complete.

9. Commas for items in a series and between two independent clauses joined by a conjunction are used correctly.

10. The paragraph contains no spelling errors.
