Internet Adventures
All Internet adventure begins at Mrs. G's English
1. Where's THAT From?
Somebody invented every word you speak. Every word had a beginning--a birth. Etymology is
the study of where words come from. When you enter
this site, you will take a quiz on word origins. Use
your dictionary to help you answer the questions.
Write your score below when you finish. My
2. Word Play
a. Daily
Copy the quote of the day below. What do you
think this quote means?
b. Dave
De Vries Mad Webs
Click on News Report, then
Merchant of Venice, and then one of your own choice.
Follow the directions. Print out your finished
paragraphs. I will check to insure you used the
correct parts of speech. Next week in class you will
write your own mad lib, and when we come to the lab
you will submit it to this site. Be thinking!
Phobia List
Many of our vocabulary words next
week end in the suffix "phobia." Explore this site.
Write your five favorite phobias below. Then tell
me what you think "phobia"
3. The English Teachers' Web Site
Scroll down to contributions and click. Then scroll down to Grammar Rock and click. Then click on Schoolhouse Rock. Yes, this is the same Schoolhouse Rock you loved on Saturday morning. And yes, I know you are now too old for it. Take a walk down memory lane anyway. Click on Grammar Rock once you get to the site. Then listen to and watch the ones on adjectives and adverbs (which we just finished studying) and the one on prepositions (which we are starting to study). You can even rate each song.