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Julius Caesar Stage 12 Essay

In a Stage 12 essay address the following questions:

1. What is honor? What are the qualities of an honorable person?

2. In your opinion, given your definition of honor, was Brutus an honorable man? Paraphrase specific examples from the play to support your position.

3. In our other reading this semester, we have encountered other honorable people. Choose one or more of these characters and use specific examples from the literature to show they meet your definition of honor.

4. Finally, compare and contrast Brutus' honor with the honor of the character(s) from another work of literature that you discusse above.

I will grade your essay on the following criteria:

_____ _____ 1 & 2. The essay adheres to a Stage 12 format.

_____ _____ 3 & 4. The essay addresses each of the above questions.

_____ _____ 5. The essay uses specific examples from the literature to support your opinions.

_____ _____ 6. The writer uses active voice, does not begin any sentence with the word there, and uses no more than 8 "be" verbs.

_____ _____ 7. Because this is a formal, expository essay, the writer does not use the pronouns I, you, me, my, your, etc.

_____ _____ 8. No spelling, punctuation, or usage errors appear.

_____ _____ 9. The writer formats the essay according to the following specifications: use ink, leave 1 inch margins all around, indent, write on one side of the paper.

_____ _____ 10. The writer uses appropriate transition words to connect ideas.

After writing your first draft, use the above checklist to determine changes you need to make in your final draft. You must adhere to each of the above points--if you leave anything out I will return the paper to you for you to rewrite. Turn this sheet in when you turn your essay in, or I will not grade your essay. Please take this essay seriously--it is worth 200 points and serves as your final exam for this course.
