Introduction to Literary Analysis: Composition Evaluation Form
I will grade your composition based on the folowing
ten criteria. Please check this evaluation form to
ensure you meet all of the assignment's requirements.
Additionally, at least one other person should read
your composition and evaluate it. This other person
can be a classmate or me or both. If a classmate
evaluates your composition, they (and you) should do
it without talking. Thank you.
Grading Scale
10 points
per item=requirements met in full
0 points per
item=requirements not completely met
First/ Final Evaluation
_____ _____1. The essay contains logical,
attention-grabbing zero powers in the 1st power
_____ _____2. The essay contains a clearly-stated
thesis sentence in the 1st power paragraph.
_____ _____3. Each 2nd power paragraph contains a
topic sentence that directly relates to the thesis
_____ _____4. Each 2nd power paragraph contains a
specific example from the literature.
_____ _____5. The essay employs strong, active
verbs; no more than two "be" verbs appear.
_____ _____6. Sentence patterns 27 and 28 appear
somewhere in the essay. Please write the pattern
number by the cooresponding sentence.
_____ _____7. For added sentence variety, three
additional sentence patterns from your sentence
pattern checklist appear somewhere in the essay. The
three sentence patterns chosen include #'s _____,
_____, and _____. Please write each pattern number
by the cooresponding sentence.
_____ _____8. The essay contains appropriate
transitions. Transitions should appear before each
topic sentence at the very least.
_____ _____9&10. The essay follows general
conventions: use ink, allow one-inch margins all
around, control neatness, indent, write complete
sentences, use proper grammar, spell correctly,
punctuate properly, and start no sentences with the
word there.