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Writing about Plot: Composition Evaluation Form

I will evaluate your essays using the following criteria. Please study the requirements before turning in your final draft. Please have another person--me or one of your classmates--evaluate your first draft. Thanks.

Grading Scale

10 points=all requirement met

0 points=requirement not completely met

first/ final evaluation

_____ _____1. The essay contains at least four terms from our study of plot. Choose from the following plot terms: exposition, narrative hook, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, internal conflict, external conflict.

_____ _____2. The essay contains a clearly-stated thesis in the 1st power paragraph.

_____ _____3. Each 2nd power paragraph contains a topic sentence which relates directly to the thesis statement.

_____ _____4. Each 2nd power paragraph contains one or more specific examples from the literature sufficient to support the topic sentence.

_____ _____5. The essay contains appropriate transition words. Transitions should appear before each topic sentence at least.

_____ _____6. The essay contains strong, active verbs; no more than two "be" verbs appear.

_____ _____7. The essay contains sentence patterns 29 and 30. Please write the pattern number by its corresponding sentence.

_____ _____8. The essay contains 3 additional sentence patterns. You may choose from your sentence pattern checklist or from your sentence pattern notes. Please write the pattern number by its corresponding sentence.

_____ _____9 and 10. The paragraph exhibits conventions of good writing form: use ink, employ one-inch margins all around, control neatness, indent, write complete sentences, use proper grammar, spell correctly, punctuate properly, and start no sentence with the word there.
