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Reader Response Ideas

To figure how long you need to read each day:
1. Divide the number of pages in the book by the
number of days until due =   ___ pages per day
2. Time how long it takes to read one page.
Multiply by the answer to #1 =
____ minutes you need to read each day.
Response Ideas:
• what I thought after reading the beginning • something I am confused about
• what I like/hate about one of the characters • something this book reminds me of
• a prediction I have
• a writing technique the author used
• a message I think the author is trying to give • something I changed my mind about
• this book made me laugh, cry, cheer, smile, explode, get goosebumps when ___
• what I think the title means
• a way this book has helped me
• a question I would like answered
