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Mock Scottsboro Trial

Below are summaries of testimony from the characters in the Scottsboro Trial. I have modified some characters and testimony to simplify the classroom activity.

Testimony of Victoria Price

I jumped on a freight train in Tennesse with my friend, Ruby Bates. I met Ruby at the mill we both worked in. We were with a couple of men--Charles Lester and Jack Tiller--guys I met when they were working on a chain gang. Don't worry--it is ok for me to date--I am single now. I was married before--twice actually. My first husband died. My second husband? I don't know what happened to him; last I heard he was somewhere in Louisianna.

Anyway, we were riding on this train, and these black boys raped me--six of them raped me and six more raped Ruby. They held a knife to me. I fought them, and they bruised my back up real bad. I kept fighting them until they hit me in the head with a gun--split my head wide open--I passed out. When I got off the train at Scottsboro, some cops told me it was illegal to hobo--hop on freight trains and ride like we did. They took me right to jail. When I told them what the black boys did, they took me to see a doctor. He examined me. He never said whether I was ok or not.

Some dirty-minded people say I am a prostitute, but I am not.

Testimony of Ruby Bates

I met Victoria Price at work in Tennessee--she is older than I am and leads a very exciting life. She has a different date every night of the week! I wanted to be friends with her so I could be popular too.

I've always been a good girl, a decent girl. I've never done anything wrong--until Scottsboro I had never even seen the inside of a jail!

One night Victoria and I went down to the chain gang to talk to the boys there. Victoria wanted to introduce me to some guys she met when she was in jail--Charles Lester and Jack Tiller. They were real nice boys.

When Lester and Tiller got out of jail, they asked us to go out with them. We were so excited. We hopped a train to Scottsboro. It was so romantic--we were in an open rail car--it had no roof, and we could see everything. It was a bit uncomfortable, full of sharp little rocks that scratched me up a bit.

A bunch of Negros were in the next box car. Lester and Tiller started fussing with them and almost got in a fight. They went over to talk to them. That was when some of the black men came over to our car and raped us. I don't really remember much about that.

Testimony of Mrs. Jones

I received the following letter from Ruby Bates.

Dear Mrs. Jones,

Oh Mrs. Jones, I don't know what to do! I hopped on a train with some friends of mine. When the train stopped, some cops arrested us for hoboing. When we were in the jail, my friend Victoria Price said we should make up a story about being raped. She said that way they would drop the hoboing charge, and we would get out of jail.

Now the men we accused of raping us are going to trial, and I have to testify. I am going to have to stick to my story, or they will throw me back in jail. Please keep my secret--I don't want to be in any more trouble.

Your friend,

Ruby Bates

Testimony of Mrs. Smith

I lived next door to Victoria Price in Tennessee. She is white trash! Everyone in town knows she is a bad girl. Heavens, they throw her in jail every month or so for prostitution. She is always making friends with young, innocent girls, trying to get them to join her in her "business."

I hate Victoria Price. She seduced my husband and broke up our marriage, leaving me and my tow babies to fend for ourselves! I wouldn't trust anything she said.

Testimony of Charles Lester

I met Victoria when I was in jail. I met Jack Tiller there too. After we all got out of jail, Victoria introduced us to Ruby.

I liked Ruby, so Ruby and I paired up and Victoria and Jack paired up. One day we decided to jump a train. We had a nice time. The car we were riding in wasn't too comfortable though. It was an open car full of jagged little rocks. My hands and ankles were kind of scratched up from riding in those rocks all night. The view was sure pretty though.

We were with the girls all night. We only left them for about five minutes to talk to the black men in the other car.

Testimony of Jack Tiller

After I got out of jail, Victoria and I started going out together. One night we decided to jump on a train. We had fun--Victoria always knows how to have a good time. We did run into a little trouble with some black men in the next car--even had to go over and talk to them a bit to avoid fighting them. We were gone about five minutes or so.

Victoria and Ruby never said anything about being raped. I guess they were afraid to tell us. Maybe they thought we would get in a fight with the men.

Testimony of Dr. Bridges

I am a medical doctor. I graduated from Vanderbuilt. I examined Victoria Price one and a half hours after she got off the train. She said she had been raped. Another doctor, Dr. Lynch, was present during the examination and will verify my findings.

I noticed she had a few bruises about the size of a dime on her back and some small scratches on her hands and arms. She had no other marks on her body. I could find no physical evidence that she had been raped.

I examined Ruby Bates too, and she had no marks or bruises and no signs of being raped. Her hands were a bit scratched up though.

The women were quite calm when I examined them.

Testimony of Haywood Patterson

I jumped the train with a bunch of other black men. We were all looking for work; we decided to go to Scottsboro to see if we could find work there.

In the middle of the night some of the black men and the white men in the next car started fussing at each other. I thought sure there would be a fight. The white men even came over to our car; I thought we would fight for sure. After about five minutes, they left though

When we got to Scottsboro, we were all arrested for hoboing. The next day the jailer came in and said we were going to be charged with raping two white women who were on the train we were riding the night before.

The women were lying--none of us ever even left the car we were riding in.

Mock Trail Requirements

Each legal team must complete the following steps:

1. Look at the witness list and decide which witnesses to interview. Ask questions to find out what they know. Do not look at their testimony summary sheet. You must ask questions to find out all information. After each interview, write a brief summary of the details you discovered. You will have to turn these summaries in. Each witnesses summary should be on a its own sheet of paper. Make sure to write the witness name at the top of each summary.

2. After you interview each witness, construct a list of questions to ask each witness during the trial. Be sure to construct your questions to present your witnesses in the best possible light so you can win your case. Each set of questions should be on its own sheet of paper. Make sure to write the witness name at the top of each set of questions. Write your team name at the top of the paper. Give each set of questions to each witness. At this point, the legal teams' work is done until the actual trial begins.

3. Each witness will receive a list of questions from the legal teams. On a different sheet a paper, write your character's name and answer each question posed by the legal teams on the question sheets. Return the list of questions--but not the answers--to the legal team that gave you the questions.

4. Jurors will wactch the mock trial. Then each juror will decide whether the black men are innocent or guilty. Each juror will then write a paragraph stating the verdict and explaining why they reached that verdict.

To summarize, the legal teams will turn in a written summary of each witnesses testimony and a list of questions to ask during the trial; the witnesses will turn in written answers to the questions posed by the legal teams; and the juror will turn in a paragraph explaing the verdict they reach.