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Writing about Setting: Composition Evaluation Form

Grading Scale

10 points=all requirements met

0 points=requirements not completely met

First/ Final Draft

_____ _____1. The essay refers to elements associated with setting. Please refer to al least three setting elements including time, place, weather, seasons, clothes, environment, culture.

_____ _____2. The essay contains sentences which follow pattern numbers 33 and 34. Please place the pattern number by the corresponding sentence.

_____ _____3. The essay contains three previously-learned patterns. Please place the pattern number by the corresponding sentence.

_____ _____4. The essay contains a clearly-stated thesis and contains topic sentences in each second power paragraph that relate directly to the thesis.

_____ _____5. The essay contains no more than two "be" verbs.

_____ _____6. Each second power paragraph contains specific examples from the literature to support the topic sentence.

_____ _____7. The essay contains appropriate transitions.

_____ _____8. The essay adequately covers all questions in the assignment.

_____ _____9. The essay is edited to correct errors in spelling, grammar, sentences, and punctuation. The essay is written in ink, indented, includes margins all around. No sentence begins with the word there.
