The Poetry/Song Connection
The Poetry/Song Connection
Name: ___________________
Many songs are poetry put to music. Listen carefully to your favorite artists. Do not use songs with objectionable lyrics! Find a song that has at least one example of three of the following:
Vivid imagery
Photocopy or word-process two copies of the song's lyrics to turn in. (One copy will serve as a "clean" copy that can be photocopied for each class member.) With the other copy, highlight each instance of a poetic device from the list above and identify it, make marginal notes on important points in the song, and prepare a detailed TP-CAST or SOAPS analysis. (Use whichever format best suits your song - - You should type the TP-CAST or SOAPS before submitting.) You will also need to bring a copy of the song itself. (A video of the song will work fine.) I have cassette and CD players. Be sure that your tape or cassette is set to the correct spot before your presentation. We won't waste class time for you to "hunt around."
I will need your clean lyric copy by _________ in order to make copies for the entire class. Be prepared to share your "poem" and music with us and lead us in a discussion of your song on __________. You will have a maximum of 10 minutes each for this project.
Follow, this basic format:
1) Pass out your lyrics
2) Play the song and let classmates follow along with lyric sheet
3) Lead us in a discussion/explication of the song as poetry -- You may use the board or overhead, develop discussion questions of your own for the class to answer, refer to your TP-CAST or SOAPS analysis... Be creative and DON'T BORE YOUR PEERS. Although I hope you'll have fun with this assignment, the purpose is poetry analysis; if you skimp skimp here, your grade will suffer! (This project will count as a test grade)
Lyric Sheet (should be perfect & neat --no errors!) 10 points (-1/error)
Highlighted sheet (depth of analysis) 15 points
SOAPS or TP-CAST (depth of analysis) 15 points
Oral Presentation:
Timely and smooth (everything ready) 10 points
Interest/creativity of presentation 10 points
Involvement of Classmates 10 points
Speaking skills (projection/eye contact/poise) 15 points
Depth of Analysis 15 points
Grade: _____/100
Contributed by Portia on NCTE-Talk