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Reader Response

Choose one response per entry and I expect AT LEAST five sentences per response 
1. If I were__________, I would ______________ because_______. 
2. I disagree with _________'s actions because___________. 
3. If ___________ had not done ___________, I think__________. 
4. I wonder if ________________. 
5. I wish that _________________. 
6. I like _______, because____________. 
7. I would be embarrassed to introduce _____ to my family because_______. 
8. ___________ is not a nice person because ________________. 
9. I would like to suggest that _____________. 
10. I am a lot like ___________ because____________. 
11. I would like to give the following advice to___________: 
12. I like the way the author uses __________ because__________. 
13. If I could change anything in the story I would change ________ because________. 
14. If the author changed the setting of the story, the story would be _________ because_______. 
15. I want to tell the author of the story that ___________. 
16. If only ___________ had _________ I think he/she would have 
17. This scene in the novel reminds me of ___________. 
18. I just hate that _________ because ___________. 
19. I think _______ is confusing because _________. 
20. I think the author wants me to judge ___________ because_________. 
21. I hope that ________ happens in my novel because __________. 
22. If I could ask __________ one question, this would be my question: 
23. I get so mad when __________ does __________ because it reminds me 
24. I want to tell you about this exciting scene in my story. I like it because_______. 
25. I would like to be like _________ because he/she_____________. 
26. How does the author create conflict in your story? 
27. If you could introduce one character to your family or friends, who would it be? Why?
Contributed by Judy Handy on NCTE-Talk
