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Composition II Handbook

Welcome to Grammar and Composition II! This semester you will learn to write well, read
critically, and think creatively. 


To succeed in this class, you will need the following supplies:

	Folder with pockets and brads filled with loose-leaf notebook paper

	Black or Blue ink pens--no pencils please

You must bring all of these supplies to class by this Wednesday. I will take a grade on this.

You must come to class ready to learn. I expect you to bring all supplies to class every
day--pens, paper, and textbooks. You may not share textbooks. If you must borrow pens
and paper, you must do so before the final bell rings. I will periodically check to see that
you have brought all supplies for a grade. If you fail to bring supplies, you will earn a zero
for participation. Because pencils break and pens run out of ink, remember to bring extras.

In this class I give you the power to determine your own grade through contract grading. 
I expect everyone to make an “A” or “B,” something anyone can do simply by fulfilling
the requirements of your grading contract.  In a day or so, I will explain more about
contract grading.

To help you keep track of your progress, I will give you a copy of your grade each Friday.
If you have any questions about your grade, write your question on your grade slip and
place in the in-box on my desk. I will answer your grade-related questions during Level
Three time.

Encor and Make Up Work
I am available for Encor daily.  Please stop by if you have any questions.  If you are
failing, you must attend Encor.
If you are absent, please check the late work file and folder for assignments and handouts. 
You have two days for each day absent to make up late work.

Late Work Policy

Each semester  I will give you two "Late Work" tickets. You may turn in two assignments
late without losing points by stapling this ticket to your late work. Once you have used
your late work tickets, I will not accept any other assignment late. If you lose or share
your ticket, I will not give you a replacement.

You do not have to use your late work ticket for work missed during excused absences.

Hall Passes 

Each semester I will give you two "Restroom and Locker" tickets. If you need to make a
trip outside the classroom, you must turn in one of your tickets. When you have used both
tickets, you may not leave the room during class time. If you lose or share your tickets, I
will not give you a replacement.  Please do not use your tickets during the first or last 15
minutes or when I am lecturing. 

Expected Behavior

Different types of learning activities require different types of student behavior. I define
these expected behaviors as three levels: 
Level One

face forward, desks in rows, eyes on teacher or work, no side conversations, raise hands
to ask questions, only one person speaks at a time 

Level Two

desks arranged in large or small groups or circles or rows, talk on topic to entire group,
hand raising optional, use soft voices, only one person speaks at a time, no side

Level Three

free time, normal speaking voices, in seats, your choice of school appropriate topics

You earn Level three time by staying on task during Level One and Level Two time.  For
each minute you waste during Level One and Level Two time, you lose one minute of
Level Three time.  Level One time begins the moment the bell rings.

Classroom Policies 

1. Please remain awake and attentive during class. If some circumstance causes you to
have problems remaining awake, please speak to me about it before or after class. If you
continue to have problems, I will refer you to the counselor. 

2. Please respect my belongings--sit only at your own desks and not at my desk or stool.

3. Please respect your school's belongings--keep desks and floors clean, return books to
their proper places, and remember to take all of your belongings. 

4. Once I give you materials like handouts, worksheets, handbooks, and forms, I expect
you to keep track of them. I do not have extra materials for you if you lose them.

5. Please remain in your seats until the final bell rings. Wait until Level Three time to put
on your jackets and put up your books. If you lose your Level Three time, you must wait
until after the bell rings to pack up. No one may leave until everyone is seated. 

I welcome parents' and students' involvement. Please contact me with any questions.  You
may reach me at school, at home, or by email at  Please sign below to indicate you have read this handbook.

Student Signature

Parent Signature