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Teacher Evaluation

Because I want to be a good teacher to you, I am seeking your input. I believe you, as my students, are expecially qualified to give me the information I need so I can continue to improve. Please read each question carefully and answer each question thoughtfully because I will use these to improve myself. You do not have to put your name on these papers--I will not hold negitive opinions against you. Thanks for your help.

1. What was your favorite assignment in this class? Why?

2. What was your least favorite assignment in this class? Why?

3. What do you feel are my greatest strengths as a teacher?

4. What do you feel are my greatest weaknesses as a teacher?

5. If you could change something about this class, what would you change? Why?

6. What would you like to do or learn in this class in the future?

7. If you could give me a grade as a teacher, what would you give me--A, B, C, D, or F--and why?

Thanks for your participation!
