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The Rest of Your Assignment

Congratulations! If you have made it this far, you know how to turn your computer on, get to Mrs. G's English Links, use a mouse to move a cursor, to find and use clickable text, and print out an Internet page. Now complete the following exercises:

1. Searching the Web
On the bar at the top of your screen you will find a search button. Click on this. At the left of your screen will be a list of several search engines with names like Excite, Yahoo, Lycos, and Alta Vista. Point your cursor at the circle next to one of these engines and click. A white text box should appear near your screen's center. Type the word dictionary in this box and press return. When the next screen loads, scroll down to find a list of sites having to do with dictionaries. Click on the clickable text of the first entry listed. Write the name of this site in the space below. Push your back button twice.

3. Putting Your Skills to Work
Using all you have learned, find sites having to do with the topics listed below. When you find the site, copy the site's address exacly in the space below. DO NOT visit any site that is not appropriate for school or you will lose your internet privileges in my class for the rest of the semester. I will enforce this rule with your first offense.

a. a picture of a car

b. a map

c. William Shakespeare

d. local weather report

4. Using the Internet to Increase Your Word Knowledge
Go to Mrs. G's English Links.Scroll down and click on Links. Scroll down and click on the site titled Where's THAT From?. At this site, you will find ten multiple choice questions. Read each question. Look up the word in bold type in your dictionary to help you answer the question. If the word is not in your dictionary, make your best guess. Answer each question. When you are through, write your score below.

Return to Mrs. G's English Links.

5. Looking Up Words the Easy Way
Scroll down to Research It! Click on it. This site contains a variety of reference works like dictionaries. The very first white box, in fact, is a dictionary. Type the word compensate in this box and then click on look it up. Scroll down and you will see this word's definition. Write the definition marked 1. in the space below.

Scroll down again until you see a white text box. Type your next word in here. Repeat for each word listed below, writing the definition in the spaces below the words.
a. holograph

b. biogeographic

c. analogy

d. monotheist

e. dynamic

Now return to Mrs. G's English Links.

6. Learning Definitions with Personal Meanings
Click on Word Play at Mrs. G's English Links. This site contains many links to word-related sites. All of the sites are in alphabetical order. Scroll down to a site called Etymology of First Names. Click on it. You will see all of the letters of the alphabet. Click on the letter with which your first name begins. If you have been here before in my class, please click on the letter with which your middle name begins. Scroll down until you see your name. Write the meaning of your name in the space below.

7. Learning Definitions While Playing Games
Push your back button until you get back to the Word Play site. Scroll down to a site called Fake Out! Click on it. You will see a list of words. Click on any word. You will see a list of definitions. Only one is correct. Click on the definition which you believe is correct. Were you right? Write the word you chose and the correct definition below.

Press the back button twice. Scroll down to the heading titled Write Your Own Definition. Click on one of the words below this title. Type a fake definition for this word in the big box. Then scroll down and in the appropriate boxes type your initials, Mannford School, Mannford, Ok and then click submit.

8. Great Verbs
Go to Mrs. G's Link Page. Scroll down to 6785 Verbs. Click. List ten interesting verbs from the list below.

9. Concise Sentences
Go back to Mrs. G's Link Page. Scroll down to Guide to Grammar and Writing and click. Scroll down to Writing Concise Sentences. Read the material here. At the bottom click on the Writing Concise Sentences exercise. Complete the exercise. Then print the exercise. 10. I offer extra credit only to students who have turned in all assignments and are still failing. If you are one of these students, see me, and I will make your extra credit assignment.
