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To Kill a Mockingbird Notebook Evaluation Form

As we study this novel, I expect you to keep your work ordered in a folder with pockets and brads. Once a week I will collect your folders and evaluate them on the following criteria. Please keep your notebooks in order at all times as I reserve the right to collect and grade them without warning.

Grade #1 Grade #2 Grade #3

________ ________ ________1. Your notebook is divided into four sections: dialogue journal, favorite quotes and images, theme tracks, and character diary entries . The sections must occur in this order and be easily identifiable. Each entry is dated.

________ ________ ________2. You have a dialogue journal entry for each day's reading that is at least 1/2 page long. The entry regularly addresses questions posed in the reader response handout. You must have a dialogue journal entry even if you are absent.

________ ________ ________3. You have a one-page character diary entry each week. Your diary entry addresses one of the sets of questions in the character diary handout sheet.

________ ________ ________4. You record themes daily, providing page numbers and brief summary of the incident which cooresponds to the theme.

________ ________ ________5. You record one favorite quote and/or image from each day's reading.

Each of the above five criteria are worth 20 points. To receive this 20 points you must do EVERYTHING! If you leave one thing out--one diary entry undone or one question unanswered--you will receive 10 points. If you leave more than one thing out, you will receive 0 points.