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Writing Rubric for TKAM

_____ 1. Your essay conforms to a Stage 12 organization scheme: 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 4 4.

_____ 2. Your 3rd and 4th power sentences contain specific examples from the novel to support your main points.

_____ 3. Your essay contains at least three different sentence variations; be sure to label each variation.

_____ 4. Your write your essay in active voice.

_____ 5. Your essay employs strong and interesting verbs, limiting "be" verb usage to no more than 7; the "be" verbs include am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being.

_____ 6. Because this is formal, academic writing, you omit all personal pronouns referring to yourself: I, me, my, mine. Also do not refer to your reader as "you."

_____ 7. To add style to your writing, you use two similes and/or metaphors.

_____ 8. You spell all words correctly.

_____ 9. You puncuate all sentences correctly.

_____ 10. Your paper is written neatly in blue or black ink with one inch margins all around. You indent each paragraph.

1st Power Paragraph

0 Power Sentence #1--This sentence combined with the next 0 power contains information to catch your reader's attention. These sentences give the reader a clue as to what your paper will present. Your 0 Power sentences can include a quote, a definition, or an anecdote either from real life or from the novel.

0 Power Sentence #2--This sentence continues the quote, anecdote, or definition from your first 0 Power above.

__1st Power Sentence--This contains your thesis statement; it summarizes the three main points you will put in your three 2nd Power sentences below.

2nd Power Paragraph

___2nd Power Sentence #1--This contains your 1st main point.

____3rd Power #1--Provides a specific example from the novel to support 2nd Power Sentence #1 above.

____3rd Power #2--Provides a specific example from the novel to support 2nd Power Sentence #1.

3rd Power Paragraph

This paragraph takes some idea presented in the above paragraph and talks about it in more detail. To make a smooth transition from the above paragraph, take a word or words from the last sentence in the above paragraph and repeat them in the first sentence of this paragraph.

____3rd Power Sentence #3--This sentence includes a keyword or words from the above sentence and talks about it in more detail.

_____4th Power Sentence # 1--This sentence provides further details to support 3rd Power Sentence #3 above.

__ ___4th Power Sentence #2--This sentence provides further details to support 3rd Power Sentence #3 above.

2nd Power Paragraph #2

___2nd Power Sentence #2--This contains your 2nd main point.

____3rd Power #1--Provides a specific example from the novel to support 2nd Power Sentence #2 above.

____3rd Power #2--Provides a specific example from the novel to support 2nd Power Sentence #2.

3rd Power Paragraph #2

This paragraph takes some idea presented in the above paragraph and talks about it in more detail. To make a smooth transition from the above paragraph, take a word or words from the last sentence in the above paragraph and repeat them in the first sentence of this paragraph.

____3rd Power Sentence #3--This sentence includes a keyword or words from the above sentence and talks about it in more detail.

_____4th Power Sentence # 1--This sentence provides further details to support 3rd Power Sentence #3 above.

__ ___4th Power Sentence #2--This sentence provides further details to support 3rd Power Sentence #3 above.

2nd Power Paragraph #3

___2nd Power Sentence #3--This contains your 3rd main point.

____3rd Power #1--Provides a specific example from the novel to support 2nd Power Sentence #3 above.

____3rd Power #2--Provides a specific example from the novel to support 2nd Power Sentence #3.

3rd Power Paragraph #3

This paragraph takes some idea presented in the above paragraph and talks about it in more detail. To make a smooth transition from the above paragraph, take a word or words from the last sentence in the above paragraph and repeat them in the first sentence of this paragraph.

____3rd Power Sentence #3--This sentence includes a keyword or words from the above sentence and talks about it in more detail.

_____4th Power Sentence # 1--This sentence provides further details to support 3rd Power Sentence #3 above.

__ ___4th Power Sentence #2--This sentence provides further details to support 3rd Power Sentence #3 above.
