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Writing Packet 3 Topic Choices

Choose one topic from the list below.

1. I want to change places in life with _____________________ for two reasons.

2. I will probably never throw away my old ______________________ for two reasons.

3. I could never give up _______________________(some type of food) for two reasons.

4. Two things about myself that I hope to pass on to my children include _____________________ and _____________________.

5. Two things that one must do to cure (choose one or supply an original one of your own) hiccups, infatuation, insomnia, or ______________________ include ____________________ and ________________________.

6. If I had to give up one of my senses, I would give up my sense of _____________________ for two reasons.

7. I fear (or don't fear) aging for two reasons.

Thanks to Brain Bait (see link on index page) for these great writing prompts!
