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Active Voice! Please!

Please rewrite the following paragraphs in active voice. Also eliminate any other "be" verbs by recasting the sentence using more powerful action verbs. Finally, in front of each second power sentence, place an appropriate transition word. Choose from the list of transition words below.

one, another, the other, also, next, finally, first, second, third, besides, then firstly, moreover, futhermore, above all, in addition to, to begin with, secondly

Europe is ruled by two prominent royal families. In England, the House of Windsor is headed by Queen Elizabeth II. Her coronation in 1953 was hailed as the birth of a new Elizabethan age. In the Netherlands, the House of Orange is headed by Queen Juliana. The Netherlerlands has been ruled by the House of Orange almost without interruptions for 400 years.

Between Eastern and Western thought are two essential differences. One difference is the attitudes toward man. In the Orient a superior position in nature is not enjoyed by man. The other difference is government. Individual contributions to government are valued in the West, while group cooperation in government is valued in the East.
