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Web Page Construction

Register for a Page

1. Go to
2. Click on register. Follow the instructions. They will mail you a password. Return to and click on register again. Follow the instructions again. At the end of this process, you will be at the Web Shell.
3. At the Web Shell, you will see a file titled index.html. This file will be your opening page. Click on the button which says Edit.
4. On this page you will choose background color, text color, link color, and visited link color. Just click on the button that cooresponds to the colors and backgrounds you want. You can always change them later.
5. Scroll down until you see a text box that says title/header. Erase what is in the box, and put the title of your page in the box.
6. Scroll down to list. If you want a list of items on your page, erase what is in the boxes and type in your own information. If you don't want a list, click on No list.
7. Scroll down to links. Ifyou want a link to another web page, erase what is in the box, and type the address of the page you want to link to in the box on the left and the title of the page you are linking to in the box on the right.
8. Scroll down to the large square text box. You may type whatever you wish here.
9. Click on Submit. On the next page you will see your page's address. If you click on this you can view your page.
10. If you want to get fancy with bold text, italics, centering, graphics, and music, visit Draac's. This site has fairly clear instructions for embellishing your site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e mail me. Building web pages is my hobby, and I enjoy helping others learn to build their own. My e mail address is
