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Prewriting Exercise

Companion Exercise to Writing Den

1. What question will this essay answer?

2. Turn this question into a topic sentence.

3. What facts or ideas can I use to support this topic sentence? Collect your facts.

4. Check each fact. Make sure each fact answers the question you posed in #1 above.

5. Why would/should people be interested in this topic?

6. Choose your three best facts and/or reasons from your list above. Use these facts, along with your topic sentence, to complete an outline formatted like the one below.

I. topic sentence (1st power sentence)

A. 1st fact or reason (2nd power sentnece)

B. 2nd fact or reason (2nd power sentnece)

C. 3rd fact or reason (2nd power sentence)

7. Using the above notes, write a four-sentence powergraph (1222) using clear and simple sentences. This is your first draft.

Students may use this exercise in conjunction with the internet site Writing Den.

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