Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
Pamela Isley decided to dedicate her reasearching abilities to learning more about plant life and its ability to protect itself. She was injecting a chemical called venom into the plants soil to make a stronger plant. After Dr. Woodrue caught her sneaking around his lab, he thought that this was his chance to ask her if she would be his wife. After she refused, he through her into a pile of different chemicals, and killed her...so he thought. Pamela who then realized that she was extremely powerful, because of the venom, thought that she could use her powers to help assist her fight to save the Earth. She is willing to go to any extremes to complete her mision, even if she has to kill man kind...Status- Alive. GC rating on Uma Thurmans Poison Ivy(out of 10)- 8.
Other Uma Thurman Movies are
Pulp Fiction
The truth about Cats and Dogs
Mad Dog and Glory
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