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Courtney's Poetry

Music selection Tears In Heaven

When the night comes
and the darkness settles in
this is when his night begins-
haunting peoples dreams,
or so it seems
waking them up with fright
in the middle of the night
thinking that this is fun
after their crying, he knows his work is done.

The little black bird sits on his perch
with not a worry nor a fear.
The little black bird laughs at everyone in sight
knowing everything with him is quite alright.
The little black bird represents the devils men
making fun of everyones dreams and desires,
But look at it this way, who is the one burning in hell
in the eternal flame of fire?
Now who is the one to be laughed at?
The little black bird sitting on his perch,
The little black bird who didnt go to church.

The sun sets slowly on the sandy
beach and soon it will sink slowly
into the shallow darkness of eternity.

But shortly, the sun will soon rise
once again and shine so bright
that soon it will be day light
And shortly slip away through all
four seasons for no reason.

The sun setting on the shore line
will soon set somewhere else.
So let it be said that the sun
won't set until there is no more sadness

Seasons come and seasons go
but with your friendship theres one thing I know
that we'll be friends for a lifetime
I'll stand be your side and you'll stand by mine.
Once a friend always a friend
not just now but until the very end.

It took me so long to understand
until the moment you looked in to
my eyes and took my hand,
then asked me to be with you.
I asked myself could this be true?
I never had a guy like me for me
I would always put on a show like
something off of T.V.
Now I realize that there is something
special about me
something that without you
I wouldnt be able to see.

I could stay up all night
thinking of a word to describe
you but nothing seems right.
How about sweet, wonderful or teriffic
that would be just a start
I could not find anything specific.
Nothing seems good enough to fit you
I could start to tell you all
these things but none would ever do.

The days are so lonely without you
the nights are spent dreaming about you.
There are no words good enough to say
besides the distance is to far, its keeping us away.
Longing to see you just once more
waiting until the day you walk through my door.
Dreaming about you during the night
dreaming that we were together, you holding me tight.

Your eyes is like the ocean
with a calm moring breeze

Your smile is like the sun
rising in the east

Your touch is like the restless
wind blowing between the trees

Your love is like the
love God shed upon thee.

Email: Tell me what you think!!