A rather gloomy reading test was given to 8 and 9 year olds at a Traverse
City, Michigan public grade school. Directions: In each trio of words
circle the one whose meaning differs considerably from the other two.
Then, use the circled words in a sentence. Be sure your use of each word
demonstrates your understanding of its meaning.
1. behead, assassinate, decapitate
2. slay, liquidate, mutilate
3. suffocate, exterminate, asphyxiate
4. maul, mangle, massacre
5. holocaust, decollate, guillotine
6. genocide, pogrom, euthanasia
7. obliterate,expunge, immolate
8. decimate, extirpate, annihilate
9. homicide, maim, assassination
10. contuse, mangle, mutilate
11. obliterate, decapitate, guillotine
12. extirpate, expunge, asphyxiate
13. fracture, maim, mangle
14. massacre, pogrom, abrasion
15. homocide, liquidation, suffocation
*(personal note) This is some "pretty heavy stuff".
by: American Publications
Date: 1996
..."The desire for patriotism (the sovereignty of our country, our flag, our freedoms and nationalism) is
is considered an enemy doctrine. The U.S. armed forces must be prepared to fight
against all those who oppose the New World Order and who are holding out for
..."This new warrior class is most dangerous because they consist of those who
fight out of strong religious beliefs."
..."There is a worldwide class of patriots (people who demand their constitutional
secured rights pursuant to the agents of contracts and the sovereignty
of America restored) who number in the millions, and if the current trend
continues, there may be more of these who love freedom and are now the target of
the New World Order."
..."You cannot bargain and compromise with these warriors."
..."We, as the military, need to commit more training time to counter these
warrior threats. We must have an active campaign to win over the populace."
..."This must be coupled with irresistible violence."
Education Reporter/TURN
In my viewpoint, this feels like an obvious attempt to evoke
familiarity in our children's "comfort zone".
D.S. Clemons
Patriotic Americans And
Those Who
Love FREEDOM As Enemies
The Pentagon
Position Paper Titled: "WARRIOR CLASS"
By Deputy Chief for Intelligence, Major Ralph Peters
Our Streets Will Be Safer, Our Police More Efficient, And The World Will Follow Our Lead Into The Future!" 1935 |
American Patriot
Discover that two of the world's most
WorldNetDaily -A Free Press For A Free People
The Art Bell Website
Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land
Web of Conspiracy
Bill of Rights Institute
The Pissed Off American Page
Welcome to a shocking exposé,
the greatest ever on the Internet.
What you will read on this site
will change your life forever,
there's no going back.
Life as we know it is over.
famous men are in fact, one and the same.
MAJESTYTWELVE - by William Cooper Do you believe that all of the sudden when gun control legislation is at a complete stall...right on cue children all over the nation are suddenly picking up guns to murder their parents, classmates, and teachers? Find out why! |
"SMOKE A JOINT, LOSE A LIMB" Republican State Representative Bobby Moak from the good old state of Mississippi proposed a bill to legislation in January 1998 that would provide that convicted marijuana smokers with the courts would determine which body part to be removed!! AMPUTATE AN ARM OR LEG? Get the scoop on the Republican's New War on Drugs. |
A conservative news source - "Because You Have A Right To Know"
Published locally by a good friend, John, who keeps
the fire burning.
by: Lawrence Dawson (TURN)
A Pennsylvania Air National Guard sergeant was refused reenlistment after writing in the "remarks" section of the reenlistment form that he would consider the enlistment voided if the Constitution is ever suspended or he were ordered to "exercise police powers" against the Americans countrary to the law.
Sgt. Michael Smith of the 193rd Special Operations Group turned in his reenlistment form with the notation that the enlistment would be "null and void" should the conditions specified above prevail. Smith was contacted by the legal department of the National Guard and told his reenlistment papers were not acceptable.
The lawyers told Smith that his specifications seemed to imply that he was vesting his loyalty directly in the people themselves and that this was not valid. The guard stated that the oath of allegiance "states to who (sic) we, as members of the Pennsylvania National Guard, owe our obedience and allegiance." That allegiance is owed "to the people, as expressed through their governmental institutions."
Asserting that he serve only under lawful and constitutional authority disqualified Smith for reenlistment, according to the legal authorities.
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