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Well here you go, this is what you really came here to see isn't it! YOU WANNA SEE YOUR NAME!!!! and that's ok. I have tried to get as many peoples names as possible, but if you aren't here then don't be offended ok!

These are my friends from primary school that I don't go to school with anymore:
Jayne, Katie, Sarah, Anna, Janelle, Rhonda, Rikki and Peta (what happened to you guys, where do you live now?), Justin (Jazz), Chris, Megan, Elizabeth, Shantelle,Alana, Louisa, Louisa, and everyone else who I can't remember.

Now all my cool buddies from school now and then:
Kerri, Belinda, Meredith, Michelle, Kylie, Rebecca, Linh, Anna, Katrina, Matt, Bronwyn, Hayley, Candice, Kim, Cassie, Aurelia....and sorry again if i have forgotten ya!

And now my cool friends that I have met since I started at Wavell:
Megan, Monique, Karen, Jess, Kirsty, Jayne, Natalie, Holly, Mel, Shushun (Susan) Sam, Laina, Erin Lisa, John, Kate, Michelle, Christine, Sarah, Renee, Ellen, Chanelle, Jess, Julia, Marissa, Jess, Adel, Erica, Matt, Nicole, Prikska, Anna, Kristy, Lucy, Danielle, Sunshine, Bec, Jo, Tanya, Sheena, Amanda, Kate, Nicola, Sal, Jana, Amber, Blake.

My friends that I have met on the Net!:
Phil, Brooke (pk's friend too), Jim (who is also my brothers friend) Shaun Hardy, Michael (braine), Ben (BF5), Darcy, Beaniboi, Giri, jagman, Jeremy, Carly (aslo my brothers friend), Andrew (from school), Ringo (from school too), Nate, Matt, Fiona (Neon), diomedes....and all of you other cool people who seemed to have temporarily slipped my mind!

And now finally my basketball friends:
Shannon, Lisa, Tammara, Erin, Natalie, Aleisha, Kelly, Carly, Melissa, Roshi, Emma, Serena, Nicole, Michael, Simoan, Shannon, Peter, Ben, Andrew, Kaylein, Fringe (aka Neck aka Sherrie Olga Pola...hahaha) and that's all I can think of for now.....but I know there's more.

So did you find your name? Sorry if it's not there...

