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Tay Page!!!!!

Name:Jordan Taylor Hanson
Birthday:March 14,1983
Born in:Jenks,OK
Eyez:Blue(Beautiful sky blue)
Lives in:Tulsa,OK
Shoe Size:13
Instruments he plays:Volcals,Keybooards,Synthasizer,Tamberine,Drums,Bongos
Dating:Single(he has never had a girlfriend)
Talents:Cartooning,Drawing,Painting,Using the Computer
Worst Habit:He likes to tap his fingers on everything
Tay is the shy one,but sometimes(mostly at night)he gets as wild as Zac
Fav. Color:Red,because it makes everything beautiful,and red candy tastes better
2nd Fav. Color:Blue
Sports:Soccer,Basketball,and Rollarblading
Music:Counting Crows,Spin Doctors,Natalie Merchant,50's-60's music,and anything on the top 40
Movies:Star Wars,and Nutty Professor
Tay is RIGHT handed
He has a scar on the left side of his face from running into a glass door when he was younger
Has another scar on the back of his leg,and on his back from rollerblading
Tay broke his right arm 2 years ago riding a bike up hill to their new house and he still has the cast
He has a ratz tail that is longer then his hair,and his ratz tail has a white band in it
He sleeps in a tanktop and boxers
He has a mole on the left side of his chin
He has a dimple in his right cheek when he smiles
He drew the muscle men on the Middle Of Nowhere cd with Zac
Blushes easily(aw how cute)
His voice changed during the making of the MMMBop video
Isaac on national T.V. told him to blow his nose(aw poor Tay)
When he was younger he would never take of his Baseball cap and he would run around with a toy sword
He wears baggy pants
HE got extra Baggy pants for Christmas from Ike
He hates it when girls scream
He has an apua toothbrush
He likes Dolphins and Monkeys
He has a lisp from his retainer
ALWAYS wears 3 chokers(a cross,Star of David,and a Soccer Ball)
He is Christian
If he wasnt singing in the future he wants to be an architect or an interior designer
Was a very hyper child when they were in South America
Tay has a crush on Jennifer Aniston
He wears Ck-BE and CK-ONE colone
When Tay was asked what he would do with $20 he said,"I cant have more then that? I would buy Jelly Beans tons and tons of Jelly Beans
Loves Bottled Water,Mugs Rootbeer,and Dr. Pepper
Uses Herbal Essences Shampoo
Likes Creamy peanut butter
His best friend is Ike
Zac embarasses him
He Loves LEGOS
He wears his watch on his Right wrist
He likes go-carts
He is a perfectionist
He designed the homepage(hansonline)
Share clothes with Zac
His favorite shirt is a red addidas shirt
He has a Red Jan Sport Backpack
He shares a room with Ike and Zac
He sleep on the bottom bunk
Tay bites his nails
When Ike wrote a letter to a girl he was so disgusted he threw it in a fountain
When Ike wrote a letter to a frienof his that was a girl,Tay took it and added "I wqant you desperatly"to the end
Loves to curl up with a good book in a corner
Zac and Tay have weekly arm wrestling competitions,Tay always wins
He chippes atooth at a concert in Germany but it was fixed the next day
His favorite soocer player is Alexis Lalas
He likes Bevis and Butthead
Tay bleeched his hair once Blonde but he haited it
Loves McDonalds
Loves his Mom's brownies(aw Tay)
His favorite Resturant is Jonny Rockets
His baby blanket is Yellow
Tay turned 14 2 weeks after the MMMBop video was shot
Tay has punched someone(probably Zac)
Tay is good at changing diapers(he has to be with 5 kids beeing born after him)
It is said that Liberians and Leo's are right for him(im a Leo)
Ideal date:Rollarblading then after awile dinner at Planet Hollywood
He can roll his tongue

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