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Stacee Amber
I play the alto saxophone, soccer, softaball.
I am a 14 year old female and I live near
Gettysburg,PA. I'm a HUGE HANSON fan.
I love them to death. I've been to one
HANSON concert in Washington DC and I'm
going to another one in Hershey, PA.
I can't wait cause I get to meet Amber
at that concert cause she's going too!!!
That's sooooooooo awesome!!! o-yea Amber,
'egoman'(*lol*) said he loves you and
he hopes you feel better soon. : )
I play the flute and this year will be
my 5th year playing the thing. I kinda
have to stick with it since I jsut bought
a new one! I swim for three teams year
round so that doesn't really leave time
for any other sports! I live in a stupid
place called Sparta, New Jersey This
place has more snobs than you could ever
dream! But, soon enough I will be out
of here! I am a HUGE Hanson fan. The
Hersey park concert is going to be my
first Hanson and I get to meet Stacee!
I am so excited! Stac.. Egoman and and
Dong need us, without us they would have
to sleep at night. Egoman loves us both!!!

Stacee's '98 Spring School Pic

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