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~Isaac's Place~

Full Name: Clarke Isaac hanson
Nickname: Ike
Hair: Dirty Blond
Eyes: Brown
Favorite Color: Green
Birthdate: November 17, 1980
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5' 10" *I'm not sure if that is correct*
Weight: 130lbs *I'm not sure if that is correct*
Fav Food: Lasangna, Steak, and Spaghetti *I'm not sure it that is correct*
What he would buy with $20.00: "Some cool CDs, some music that I really want to buy." Cute Quotes:
"This is a great experience, a great experience."
"We do have groupies."
"I didn't know you cared about me that much." *duh, of course we care about him*
"Wouldn't it be cool if there was, like, this chick on stage....?"
"Everytime we picked up the phone we heard screaming girls."

Little stuff about Ike:
Ike is called the romantic on of the group since when he was younger he would name his guitars after girls that he had crushes on. Tay on admitted to find a letter that Ike wrote to a girl and he threw in a fountain becuause it was so mushy". Ike can also be really funny and goofy. He is the one who does all the imperanations. He does everyone from Kermit the Frog to the infamous Austin Powers "yea baby". Ike is the guitarist of the group and sort of goofs of at shows, dancing from one side of the stage to the other. But there is no joke about it, Ike is a very seriuos musicain. He was the one that starting writing music first, since he's the oldest DUH!. On MON Ike only sings leads in one songs and you barely get to hear what a great voice that he has. On Three Car Garage he sings lead on most of the songs. You can really tell that he is a very talented musican. Otay, this is starting to sound dorky! Let's get to the good stuff! Allthough none of the Hanson brothers admit to having girlfreinds I think that Ike might be kinda sorta dating someone. On the Magic Johnson show when they were asked if they had girlfreinds (they are always asked that!) Ike did that kinda sorta thing with his hand. Don't beilve me? Pull out your tape and watch it again! I noticed that they first time that I saw it! Don't get mad now, this may mean nothing at all. And do you know what, if he does have a girlfreind who are we to say that it's wrong! After all, they are really in this buseiness for the music. I am sure that they did not expect to have hundreds of teenage girls throwing themselves at their feet. Give it up guys, things are going to happen, Ike is going to have a life. This life may included a girlfreind. What I am trying to say is, don't like Ike any less just becasue he might have a gf!

~More Than Anything~
Isaac's Picutres

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