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The Red Hot Planet

Hey! Welcoem to Taylor's part of Lost in Hanson! Here is some basic info on the boy that has been dubbed "the Hanson hearthrob" Birth name: Jordan Taylor Hanson
Better know as: Taylor or Tay
Birthdate: March 14, 1984
Birthplace: Jenks, OK
Fav color: Red
Height: last time I checked around 5'7"
Weight: about 115 (he's a twig!)
Fav color: Red (becuse it makes everything beutiful)
Fav candy: Jelly Belly jellybeans
Hair: staright, blonde
Eyes: Very blue
Fav pastime: Riding dirtbikes, surfing the net, LaserQest (whatever that is!), normal guy stuff
Odds and ends: aka stuff I need to say about Tay!
Tay is the middle brother who sings leads on most of the songs on MON. He plays the keyboards, Wurlitizer (whatever the heck that is!), bongos, and yes, the drums! If you have been to an Albertane tour show you know what I am talking about! If not, there is this part in the show where Tay takes over the drums from Zac and as they say "Start banging any on instuments". No comments from me, none at all! *lol* Most people, prefer Taylor. I agree with them, but if you don't, don't get all pissy with me now! I think that Taylor is prefered he is the one closest to most Hanson fans ages. He is called the shy on of the group, but to me it seems that he always has plenty to say! I mean, if you have watched like any interview that Hanson has done, Tay like never shuts up; that's not a bad thing though! One thing that many peole make fun of Tay for are his pants. I read somewhere that he liked baggy pants, and well, I just started to laugh! I think that Tay wears the pants that he does because well,he can! He has a great body, even if you don't like Tay, you have to admit that much! He most likely thinks "I am young, I have the body, why not let people see it?" I think that since the band has become much more know than Mmmbop, Taylor has been the one to come out of his shell the most. He has learned how to work a crowd, and get into the music. Let's see what else? Oh yea, this is just a really weird thing that I noticed on the Magic Johnson Show. Taylor's new hair and acessories. He has this new layered thing going on. At first I thought it was from the weather or something, but it was like that the next night on Jay Leno. I guess I am trying to say that at first, it was a little weird, but now I am getting used to the new do. Now on to the jewlery! Tay was only wearing one necklace. If you don't know, he usaually wears three or four. Now, he's down to one. Also, he started wearing rings. He had one on at the Magic Show and two on at Jay Leno! Why, you would care about this stuff, I don't know! I just felt that you might need to know it! *lol* Say what? Taylor Quotes
"You would have to be nuts to wear clear pants" *lol* I AM NOT SAYING A WORD!
"Ike, who cares about your hair?"
"I'm the quiet one...obviously"
"No, we take our garage everywhere we go, ya know, jsut send it on a plane."
"That's cool!"
"Let's face it, we're going to be old longer than we are going to be young, so we may as well make the most of it."
"If you get nervous you don't act like the natural you"
"If I weren't singing I don't know who I would be!"
Bests and Worsts
Best outfit:umm....Magic Hour or Regis and Kathie Lee
Worst outift: SNL! AHHH
Best Pants: Leather ones
Worst pants: Those blue and white ones he wore on the tour
Taylor's Pictures

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