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Erin's Milwaukee Experience

Erin's email is

I woke up around 9:00 on saturday morning and showered and got ready. I wore my black sandals(with heels so i'd be taller.)black shorts and my hanson shirt with the logo in the center and their faces around it. Then I left to go over to my friend Rebekah's house. I got to her house around 1:00 and soon after we went over to her neighbor Katie's house where we were meeting everyone. We grabbed our signs that said "Honk If You Love Hanson" and hung them on the back of the two cars that we were taking. Then after everyone arrived all eight of us(me,rebekah,katie,kristin,courtney,sarah,theresa, and amanda) piled into the two cars and were on our way to the marcus amphitheater. While we were in the car we listened to MON and hung hanson posters in the windows.(unfortunately we didn't get any honks.) Once we got there we grabbed our backpacks and got out of the car. While we were walking from our parking spot to the Marcus Amphitheater we played MON on the boom box that rebekah had brought along. Once we were inside we met some fans and just hung out. Then we all sat down and while we were listening to more hanson songs we did our hair. Katie and Amanda braided everyone's hair into two french braids. Then we found the place where they were selling the hanson merchendise and we purchased our souveniors. I got a tour shirt that had the logo and a picture of them on front and the tour cities on the back,a HUGE poster, and a tour book. Then we took our stuff back to the car and ate our lunches that we brought along. Afterwards we went back to the marcus amphitheater and sat outside the gates and rebekah and I put red,green,blue ribbons at the end of everyone's braids. While we were in the middle of doing the ribbons someone yelled that they saw Hanson's tour bus come in. So of course everyone got up and ran to the gates were the tour buses were parked.(I've never run so fast!!!!!!) Me and my friends were squished amongst tons of girls against the gates with our cameras ready hoping to see Hanson but we never saw them and then some guy told us that they had already gone inside and we had to leave so we went back to our spots and finished doing the ribbons. At around 5:30 everyone started lining up agaisnt the gates singing hanson songs and screaming things like "Hanson" "We want Hanson" and "Let us in". Every once in awhile some one would start screaming so then everyone else would start screaming!! but we never saw hanson while we were waiting. around 6:00 they started letting people inside but we didn't go in till about 7:00 cause we had to wait for amanda's cousin haley to arrive. Once she came we all went inside and found our seats. We were in three sections and all of us had pretty good seats. We could see them just fine without binnoculars. At 7:30 admiral twin came on and played a bunch of songs. (I thought they were okay.) Then they left and the people started to change the set for Hanson!!!!!! while they were getting the stage ready everyone was screaming for Hanson and holding up their signs.!! me,theresa,katie,sarah,haley, and amanda held up our sign that was orange and yellow tie-dyed and in black spray paint it said 'Get High on Hanson' we couldn't hold it up for very long because otherwise the people behind us couldn't see. At 8:30 the lights went off the stage lights went on and we heard the opening cords of Gimme Some Lovin'. Of course everyone went crazy!!!!!!!!! They looked sooooo HOT!!!! we then got up on our seats and started clapping and singing along!!. After that everything in my memory is a blur i remember the songs that they sang but i can't remember the order. I know they sang Gimme Some Lovin'/Shake a Tailfeather, Thinking of You, Where's the Love(extended version), River, Wierd,Speechless, I Will Come To You(complete with Tay's pointing.), A Minute Without You, Madeline, With you in your dreams(which they dedicated to their grandmother), MMMBop,Look At You, Soldier, Stories, Sometimes, A Few cover songs, Summertime Blues( during this one Ike told over on the keyboards while Tay took his mic and went to the crowd and got them to sing along.), Wierd(acapella), Ike did a solo on More than Anything(which was absolutely great!!!!) and Man From Milwaukee which they dedicated to everyone in Milwaukee!!!!!! In between they did have a set change. During every song everyone was screaming, jumping,singing,clapping or swaying. The whole time walker was up on stage taping them. During one song Ike shared a mic with Tay(i don't remember which song it was) and they looked so sweet!! At one time Tay said "You guys are so loud its beautiful!" of course everyone got even louder!! in between songs they would empty their water bottles among the front row and throw them into the crowd and they would also go to the end of the stage and shake hands! i wish i was in the front row!!!!! During the middle of the show they just started playing music while introducing the back-up people. Then tay went to the drums and stood behind Zac and put his hands up as to say "Give it up for Zac Hanson!" then Zac got up and let Tay play the drums(he's really good to!!) during that Zac soaked the front row of the crowd with his super soaker!!). When they came out for their encore(which included summertime blues,wierd(acapella),and look at you.) they came out wearing cheeseheads!!! and then threw those into the crowd. After they finished the last song they said thier good-byes and thanked us for being a great crowd and left. Then me and my friends gathered everyone and left the amphitheater. Once we were outside we stood along the railing along with all the other hanson fans holding up our banner and waiting for hanson to come out!!. We saw who we think was Avery and then Zac. Then some guard made us leave even though we didn't want to. So we left and went home. Unfortunately Tay didn't take his shirt off during the show! and i didn't get any pictures during the concert cause the workers there told us we weren't allowed to bring cameras in and that if we did and if they saw us taking a picture then we'd be ejected. So katie's mom took everyone's camera cause she didn't want us kicked out. But when we got inside they didn't check our bags and people around us were taking pictues and no one got kicked out. So we could of gotten away with it.
