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Kelsey's Milwaukee experience

I saw Hanson at the Marcus Amphitheater on July 25th. I was there with my mom, my sister, and my two friends Melissa and Maureen. We were there two hours early to get our seats but they wouln't let us in until a half hour before the concert so we were just walking around. We were walking around waiting to meet our friend Whitney. We bought a tour book. When we saw her we started screaming and jumping up and down yelling, "Whitney, I can't believe it!!!!!!" This guy in a worker uniform who worked in the fan club came up to me and asked, "Are you in the fan club?" "Yes." I said excitedly. He turned to my mom and asked her, "Do you have your MOE card with you?" "Yes." She said fumbling through her purse to get it. She showed it to him and he said, "How would you guys like to go backstage and meet Hanson?" We started screaming at the top of our lungs. He told us to go over by the canopy and through the gate, which of course we did. We put on our backstage pass stickers and went through the gate. We were waiting with some four other girls from the fan club. (There were sixteen thousand people there and they picked the nine of us I just can't believe it!) People were throwing presents down to us to give to Hanson and we had to put them in a box and one was an inflatable 'very cherry' jelly bean and as the person with the box passed them Taylor said, "Ohh, cherry."

This person that was working with people that won passes through radio stations said, "I don't know what to do with you guys just wait over there." So we thought they were fake but they weren't when we saw that guy backstage. We waited for about a half hour before they started letting people in. We were soooo excited! After about fifteen minutes they finally let us in. We walked in and we thought they would be back like in the corner of the room but as soon as I turned the corner behind Maureen there was Isaac! He shook my hand and was like, "It's a pleasure meeting you and I was like OMIGOSH!!!! When I met Zac I was like, gosh he is sooo tall, almost as tall as Isaac. He shook my hand and we were both like, "Hi." Then I shook Taylor's hand and he was like, "Nice to meet you."

They look sooo different than on t.v. and stuff! Whitney said," It is so weird to meet you." A girl said, "I love you!" Taylor said, "I love you too." Another girl said, " You are soo hot!" And he said joking, "I know it is sooo hot in here." fanning himself. They kept asking if we got the second issue of MOE yet and if we liked the second one better because they had more to do with the second issue. Then we had to take a picture for MOE magazine. (I mean a worldwide magazine, I'm going to be in the third issue of MOE!) But there wasn't enough room for us to fit so we had to move into the hallway. Taylor had his arm around me when we were moving out OMIGOSH!!!! We posed for the picture and while we were doing that Whitney was beside Isaac and Melissa (who LOVES Isaac) said, "MOVE!" She moved and Melissa was so starstruck she didn't realize she was on Whitney's foot and Isaac said, "Get off her foot." and then we started talking. My little sister went over to Zac and just held onto his arm saying over and over, "Omigosh, omigosh." He was like "BREATHE! You're breathing very heavy, thank you for chewing a breathmint." Melissa was talking to Isaac and he asked "Where are you from?" She said, "Indiana." "Really, I like Indiana." he said. I just found out their cousins live fifteen minutes away so maybe they have been here.

Whitney and I were chatting with Taylor and we were like I love your music it's such an inspiration . We said, It's such a dream to meet you guys." And Tay said, "Man, that is sooo sad!" Then Whitney, Melissa and I left because we thought it was over but is wasn't so we ran back in and almost ran into Zac and Isaac. Maureen said to Zac, " You know that shirt you wore on the Kid's Choice Awards?" You could tell he didn't really know but he said, " I think so..." "I have that same shirt!" She said. "AWESOME!" He said. Taylor was wearing these awesome sandals , jeans, and a black-gray shirt under a black shirt. Ike was wearing a brown shirt and tan pants and Zac was wearing a black shirt and blue pants. Taylor's cologne was really strong and the most gorgeous blue eyes and he was wearing his usual three chokers. Zac has the cutest freckles on his nose and Isaac was so friendly, and i can't believe they hugged me!

I will never forget that. They could have talked forever but Walker came and told them to go. Then we went to the amphitheater through the backstage doors. Everyone was saying, "Did you meet Hanson?" "Do they look the same as on t.v.?" "Are they nice?" We answered a few questions and sat down in our seats in the eighteenth row. When Admiral Twin was singing everyone was screaming and jumping already. They were pretty good actually. After them it took thirty minutes to set up Hanson's equipment. While they were setting up Mackie was running across a bridge at the back of the stage and Diana was chasing after him. It was so funny and everyone was screaming. When they finally started you couldn't even hear Gimme Some Lovin'. They also sang; Thinking of You, MMMBop, Weird, Speechless, Where's the Love, Look at You, I Will Come To You, A Minute Without You, Madeline, With You In Your Dreams, River, Soldier, Stories, Ever Lonely, More Than Anything, Doctor, Doctor, Good Lovin', Summertime Blues, and Man From Milwaukee. They sang Thinking of You with so much expression, (9on the screaming scale) MMMBop was so good, play those bongos baby!10!, With You In Your Dreams was so sad 5even if in my opinion they shouldn't have screamed, Weird was sang with a lot of soul 9,Speechless was speeded up and it sounded so great 8, Where's the Love was terrific, jump Tay!!!81/2, Look At You was sang with a great sound 9, Madeline sounded great acoustic and the crowd joined in with the aooooooh part 91/2, I Will Come To You was sang with so much feeling and hopefulness (SOB!) 10!, A Minute Without You, 9 1/2, Soldier was great 8 1/2, Stories was absolutely fantastic 9 1/4, Ever Lonely I'm pretty sure is from Boomerang but it's really fast 9, More Than Anything it was so sweet 10! But I wish I could have heard him better, Doctor, Doctor was awesome 8 3/4, Good Lovin' was really good I don't know how to explain it but it was awesome 91/2, Summertime Blues was so COOL! 91/2, Man From Milwaukee was really good it was the last song they sang but it was even better because we were in Milwaukee 10!

Then they sang Weird a capella and it was great. They were squirting people with water bottles and throwing them into the crowd. Taylor played the drums in Ever Lonely, while Isaac played the keyboards and Zac squirted everyone with a gigantic squirt gun. Towards the end Zac started using drumsticks that changed colors from red to green to blue. They jumped into the crowd and walked on speakers to be closer to the fans. They had red, blue and green glowsticks in the audience and it looked really neat in the dark. They had huge screens to the sides of the stage. The lighting was awesome and the sound was great! At the end they came out wearing cheeseheads and gave them to two people in the audience. They changed the scene to a homier scene for Stories, With You In Your Dreams, and, Soldier. Isaac sang "More Than Anything' so well and he can really play the keyboard.

There were a ton of girls waiting to catch a glimpse of them going to their tour bus. We were like 'Been there, done that.' I couldn't hear until we got outside and then there were spectacular fireworks for the GermanFest which was part of SummerFest which was a perfect ending to the evening.
