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Live at the 10 Spot

ok!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i had the most UNBELIEVABLE TIME!!i was RIGHT IN FRONT !!! ok let me start fronm the beginiing

me & my mom took the bus , at 3:30, & we got there about 4:30, since we had to walk , about 6 blocks to the place(manhatten center) ok, there were about 50 ONLY 50!people ( alot More people came after me) waiting there , & it was RAINING! good thing we brought umbrellas though . ok, so we were outside waiting , waiting first the security people were being mean & they were like NO cameras inside , bla bla, ok, then ok, u probably know who this is Jesse Camper ? the new MTv VJ ....WELL he was there & i TOUCHED HIS HAND!!! hes got cool blue eyes , i touched him on my left hand , some people KISSED HIM!! i wouldnt go that far!lol

ok , so by about 5:30 people were saying hanson was coming at 6 . so , i somehow , got infront of most of the people to touch jesse & now i was PRACTICALLY in the front on the outside studio , there were a lot of camera people , witht HANSON badged around their neck, we still had to go in later for the seats ok, THEN WALKER HANSON comes out, hes like 6 feet away from me & he smiled &waved to me!!!!!!! i had my poster up & i was saying" hi Mr HANSON!!!!" then! he took the video camera , the one he uses to take them all the time & TAPES the CROWD! so im ON IT!!! so if they make another TTMON , ill be on it!!! YAY! ok, then , people were sceaming "hanson , hanson "& walker was shaking his head to the beat & smiling it was soo awesome! ok 6 oclock came , & hanson came out of a black van , i couldnt see them come out a lot since the security people were in front of me & they just rushed them inside,. but i did see 3 lil blond heads! i took pictures of walker & that & jesse. ok then , they let us in REALLY early , like about 6:30 -6:45 , . the security people were SOOOO unorganized all they had were these blue wooden things ,to keep us in lines , then we were trying to go in . ( me & my mom ) when my mom went through & someone GRABS me from the back i was like" im with her!!!!" screaming it! their like "STAY BACK" SCREAMING AT ME! i was soo mad then my mom came & rescued me & said give me her shes with me!!! so i got in & i was shaking , there were 3 balconies , the bottom floor with chairs , & "the pit "( its the orchestra pit this place is for opera realy close to the stage) which WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCLOSE TO HANSON!!! my mom asked where we were suppoesd to sit, & SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH,,,,.....THE PIT!!!!!!!!!!!i was ABOUT TO DIE! i was sweaty , & tired & wet from the rain & now im inthe pit !

AHHH ok, so that hour went by , & thenpeople were pushing & shoving me , there was a group of little snotheads, who when my mom said were pushing they talked back to her!! she was a little rude thing i swear , SNOB! ok i didnt let her ruin my day so i patiently waited ....8:00 ....8:15 , they were supposed to come at 8 , but then t hey said hanson will be coming out shortly ! i was dieing , so was everyone else. then they turned all the lights out, for like a mintue , then oh my god , u could see them by their instruments , their shadows when they turned the lights on , its seemed like a dream, taylolr , was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i mean CLOSE! i had theTEDDY bear in my hands the whole time , so tay would recognize me , since eveeryone else , was just hands , & their was a girl with an umbrella .lol. they sang a whole bunch of songs that sounded AWESOME , ok, taylor was wearing this red pull over shirt over a white shirt , but then .. HE TOOK THE RED ONE OF RIGHT IN FRONT OF US ... MAN IS HE HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoW!!!!!!!!!!!! god we were all like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when he did that then he turned & smiled & sometimes when they said the word"you " in their songs the crowd all pointed to hanson , thats also when we made taylor smile :O) then he took a drink of water from the side , & he looked like a poster ,so inicient & sweet !! he was sweating a lot so he had this blue towel he wyped his head with. ike had a tanish jakcet over i think a black shirt . Zac unfortunalty i couldnt see very much since his drums werein the way i think he was wearing green withtan pants but im not sure , i think the drums were green but with the lights flickering & diff color lights going at all times it was hard to see that kind of stuff they played one song i couldnt recgnize the first one , im not sure if i twas maybe "look at u ", but they played it differently live.. then they played wheres the love, mmmbop , i will come to u ,thinking of you ,speechless , weird , man from milwaukee, & it wasnt accapella , nothing was, then a minute without u--- which is a total of nine songs !! when they ended ,:( um taylor waved to the crowd he was in the direction where he could look at me & see the bear , i was soo nervous to throw it for many reasons .. but u know what ? I THREW IT!!! ]then he didnt pick it up he left , but , then they came back & sang a small portion of weird , ACCAPELLA! then when they were leaving there was flowers , a white teddy & a brown teddy , the brown one was mine, taylor BENT DOWN & PICKED THE FLOWERS UP IN HIS RIGHT HAND & THE TWO TEDDYS IN HIS LEFT HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WROTE A MESSAGE TO HIM ON IT !! & HE MUST HAVE READ IT!!! HE HAS MYTEDDY BEAR!!! CAN U BELIEVE IT ? when it was over i started crying over all of the emotions & it was quiet in the place since everyones faces including mine , were in shock. i was crying since i couldnt believed what had happened in front of my eyes, , it was soo aweseom, well, we got out at 9:30 , & well, i was like sad cuz i t was over , it wad the best time i had evetr had in my enitre life!!!! i SURE do hopw they show him picking up the teddy bear on TV! i was wearing myadidas stuff in case u wanna look for ,me, i was probably on camera , but they edit some stuff so , i dont know, the ceiling in the ballroom, was beautifull, there were paintings on it..& Zac screamed to us are u in the moe? during it! it was cute , THEN i touched ZACS DRUM STICK!!!! THEY THREW IT OUT IN THE AUDIENCE & I WAS FIGHTING FOR IT WITH THIS GIRL < BUT I GAVEUP< BUT I TOUCHED IT!!!! the wood was coming off of it & i gota splinter from it!! then zac & taylor & ike , came close to the audience & taylor touched somebodys hand but the crowd like swarmed so he backed up with this scared look on his face , ZAc HAD A water bottle & he threw the water on to s , it hit me!!! i wasl ike , i was hit with holy hanson water!!! LOL , man wasa this day fun, obviouisly im not atschool today , becuz i got home at 10:30--- THATS IT~!~~~peace & HaNsOn brittany*
