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A Hanson Concert

By: Erin

Hands clapping, feet stomping
mouths screaming, arms waving...
The curtian falls and three angelic faces appear
The moment you've waited your entire life for, is finally here.
The music starts and the voices sing
Tears in your eyes; a happiness in your heart, only these three guys
You analyze their voices, faces, and hair; the way they look they way
Before you know it your heart begins to pound.
The concert continues and the songs keep coming
You realize that in your head you will always hear the drumming.
The music stops and they leave the stage
You feel like your in a daze.
In your mind you paint a picture of three beautiful men
And You'd give anything and everything just to go back again.

The Band I Love Most

By: Tisha

The band i love most that means EVERYTHING to me,
is just 3 brothers that are cute as can be.
First there is Isaac with eyes of brown,
that can turn my frowns upside down.
Then there is Taylor with his angel-like voice,
that leaves him #1 without any other choice.
Finally comes Zac ready for fun,
to do whatever to be #1.
They play there own instruments and sing really great,
I would do anything to have just one date.
In my heart the brothers will stay,
Forever and ever, day by day.

Hate Is Strong, Even At 12

Author Unknown

All those pictures on the wall
Each stare I know them all
Scratches, bruises, cuts on my face
Both of my legs held in a brace
Why is the power of hate so strong?
Why did hate, make me not belong?
I was just trying to be me
Why couldn't people just let me be?
I'm only 12, why am I in a hospital bed?
Why did that one thought have to be said?
It was May 6th, Hanson day
My mom passed my new Hanson shirt my way
I put it on and walked to school with a smile
I held that smile, for quite awhile
Then I got to school, and got many stares
I walked around with no cares
It was Hanson Day, that was my day
But someone had to open their mouth and say
"I hate Hanson, get that shirt out of my face"
I then became a doll in a glass case
I proudly walked away, but they came too
They told me to come back, they had something to do
They told me I was stupid for liking Hanson
They said I need to be more like Manson
I said no and told them to go away
I told them I didn't care about anything they would say
I don't remember who threw the first punch
I think it was the boy I use to sit by at lunch
I was hit, it knocked me to the ground
No one to help me, no one came around
They beat me and beat me bad
"Her insides are bleeding" the doctor told my dad
I feel the pain inside of me
I just want to live, just let me be
A day doesn't go by where I think I won't make it through the night
By let me assure you I don't give up the fight
Cause Hanson never did, so why should I?
Even thought the pain still makes me cry
I was hurt bad, but I still don't know the why
Would someone please tell me before I die?
My dad hangs my Hanson posters on the wall
Each and every stare, I know them all
Now still in the hospital, the 25th of May
That's the day, the day I passed away
I went to Heaven, and slept on a cloud
I was an angel, a Hanson Angel, and I was proud
My job was to protect Ike, Zac and Tay
Protect them from all the harm that may come their way
I'm a Hanson Angel each and everyday
But I still wish I never passed away


By: Heather

Zac, Tay and Ike
'They're girls, they're gay, it's just not right'
All these words
I hear you sing
But to me
It doesn't mean a thing
It's all about the Love
I have for Hanson
I respect them
I idolize them
Forever I will Love them
No matter what
You can say what you want
I always liked them
I always will
They are 3 talented brothers
And if you can't see it
Why should I bother
Asking you why
You have all these reasons to despise them
With a tear in my eye
I want to cry
But I stand tall
We are allowed to have
Our own opinions
I just wish
Some people would express them
A little differently
So if I say 'I Love Hanson'
And you don't like it
Walk away
Spare me the pain
Of it all
You make think it's cool
But it's the meanest thing
I can imagine you doing
To put down somebody's idol
Would they do that to you?
The Hanson brothers
Don't react with hate
When they hear the things you say
So why don't you stop it now
Save it for another thing
Another day
Zac, Tay, and Ike
It's everything about them
That I like
Great personalities
Talents to the top
More yet
I can't forget
Looks to make my heart stop
The sweetness in their faces
The love in their hearts
That is what took me this far
Their music lets me go
It just has this certain flow
It relaxes me
And sets me straight
To their lyrics
I can relate
I qoute their songs
They are always
Part of my life
The oain you feel
I feel it too
I scream and
Cry my eyes out
Just for you
For you I would do anything
Word's can't express how I feel
This Love in my life
Is totally real
When I see those faces
Long blond hair, and instruments
I scream, I cry, I sing
With my friends
I celebrate
Listening to your music
Watching your videos
My mind never once wandering
From one thing
So dear to me in my life
I stay up late
It's all worth it
And if you weren't here How would I feel?
A pain just like a knife
Red, blue, and green
The colors of my life
Thinking of your faces
Screaming "Oh, how nice!"
What you're about
I follow
You've saved me and my friends
From alot
In our lives
I'm thanking you for being here
Keep doing what you're doing
Without you
Everything would be all wrong
I couldn't sing my happy song

Send your Hanson poems in!
