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A Request Interview

This interview comes out of the Request magazine!

Which day in 1997 would you like to relive?

Taylor: I don't know. Probably Christmas, because every time it ends you're like, whoa, that happened so fast.

Who got told off most by dad this year?

Taylor: I don't know. That's a pretty general question.

I want a specific answer. My bet is Zac.

Taylor: OK, yeah, I am going to hand you over to Zac.

So, Zac, do you get told off most by your dad?

Zac: There is no answer. Who got? Hanson. Yeah.

Try speaking in sentences. Where were you chased most by girls?

Zac: The most aggressive girls were in Indonesia.

Did they rip your clothes off?

Zac: They tried, but we had security guards.

What was the biggest thing that you learned about the world?

Zac: That it's round.

What was the weirdest custom you encountered?

Zac: A really cool custom was in Japan- they give you a lot of presents. I got some cool wooden sandals.
