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Rosie O'Donnell

Okay me and my friend went to the rosie show at like 2:30 in the mornin.. thease girls in the front slept there and were at mtv live anyway at around 7:30 a black van wit tinted windows came by i walked up right beside it and Scott there back up gutarist got out.. i said" Hi scott how are you??" he said "Fine and you" I said" Good so hows hanson doing??" he said"fine" then he said"why are you here???" I was like duh.."im gonna try and get into the rosie show" he said"you know thats gonna be hard" i said" yeah i know but ill do anything to see them ive never sen them before" he said" well you try i hope to see you inside you know hanson is so lucky to have friends like you" I said" thanks you" hes like"whats your name??" i said"julia.. can you say hi to hanson for me" he said"Sure thing anything for a deadicateted fan.. but i have to go now ill be sure and tell them have fun julia hope you get in" I FLIPED once he entered the building... 8:30 came around and as soon as they were about to give stand by there van goes by but wit hanson in it.. I was gonna run along side it cause no one noticed but instead i waited in line.,.. Well w3e didnt get in so i cryed like horribly...Then we found out that there was this way out in the rear of the building were hansons car had to come through.. So we went into this dinner that was right across the street.. We eat and you could hear them doing a sound check through the vents so me and my friend went around the building searching for the enterens where they were... We didnt find it.. So we waited by the poeple who got stand by... The girls that slepted there got stand by but there was no stand by steats so no one got in.. The girls were upset I met Chealsy the one from TTMON... Anyway me and my friend went out side were they had to come out... We waited on the sides and got baricated in we sang all these hanson songs with other fans it was awsome... Then Christopher sabeck there manager came outside Then all of a sudden hanson's van came drivcing up the drive way.. Ike got me on his Ike cam and i said hi to him and Zac through the windows I actually had a conversation with Ike i was like hi how are you he said fine and then he said well hope to see ya soon hes like ill rember you from the tape so i flipped then the car sped away and All these fans followed the car I sware it was like a new york marathon.. I got some pics but the windows were tinted so you cant see there faces... I also got a pic of scott. We chased them 4 blocks and then they sped away Well thats about it so you know i didnt leave one sentence out I better run W/b Peace Love and Bullet Proof marshmellows Julia I LOVE ZAC just thought youd like to know

If you want you can email Julia.
