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Ugly Phil Interview

Jackie: Hello Hanson!!

Taylor: Hey!

Isaac: Hi.

Zac: Helllllo!

Phil: Lets guess which one Zac is. [laughs]

Zac: I don't know! [silly shrill voice!]

Phil: Hey ahh...

Isaac: Zac who?

Phil: I gotta give you all these - I'll give you gifts, throughout the interview

Taylor: Oh I didn't know you cared! [girly voice]

Phil: That's right, you know I don't buy many men flowers but anyway... Taylor, Isaac - thankyou!

Zac: Why are you buying us flowers?

Phil: No it's from listeners now... c'mon, don't start rumours on me here Zac... Hey Taylor, you know your birthday on the 14th of March?

Taylor: Yes

Phil: It's the same as my date - my birthday

Taylor: Oh yeah?

Phil: Yeah [they high-5 each other]

Zac: It's not exactly the 14th of March... so you know...

Phil: Yeah so what, you know...

Isaac: Hey it could be a re-run of the 14th of March

Phil: That's exactly right, there you go... that's exactly right - to you it means nothing - to us fellow pisceans we can share, like we can mind meld over here... [laughter]

Zac: Yeah... okay... [sarcastic]

Phil: Good one Taylor, yeah I know what you mean man... [more laughter]

Phil: So okay, now let's talk music and stuff like that - you know like - How did you guys decide which instrument you were gonna use - I mean was it like now you're gonna hafta do the drums, oh, I'm gonna hafta take the guitar because the drums are taken or you know, like, how did that all come about?

Isaac: Actually one time - yeah I mean really, one time... [laughs] I'm retarded!

Phil: Now, don't tell me you've never heard this question before cause I'm gonna ask you how did you meet? But I know, Jay Leno's already asked you that!!! [much laughter]

Isaac: It was, it was umm, you know when...

Taylor: oh I err... I forget!

Phil: yeah, alright...

Isaac: Sometimes... no well actually, we never really picked an instrument that sort of thing... we just kinda, I guess you could say gravitated towards one...

Taylor: I think really it's just the instrument that pulls you in you just start playing it and if you like it then why not?

Phil: Sure... sure...

Isaac: I mean, I'd always kinda been interested in guitar and one time when we were actually though when we were playing music ... Zac... there was - the drums that we had gotten from a friend were sitting in the living room and Zac looked down at em and he was like "Yeah, that's my instrument!"

Phil: I wanna make lots of noise!! [kids voice]

Isaac: Yeah - I kind of identified with that I guess...

Taylor: "No-one can unplug me!" [laughing]

Isaac: Actually I think that was more his motivation than anything - no-one can unplug me!

[interview break to play a song or two]

Phil: Now cause you guys are like - practising your instruments at home, how are your next door neighbours about the whole thing now...

Taylor: Ahhh...

Zac: Umm...

Phil: Now you can do anything you want, you can... [laughs]

Isaac: Actually it is funny because we have had you know, our next door neighbours go - "Oh it's really wild because I remember when you guys were doing this before - you know, you guys were just performing around town... and now... I'm able to say to my friends - I live behind them!"

Phil: Now you're Hanson!

Taylor: "Oh that noise you hear over there - that's them!"

Phil: Like uh, when John Couger Mellancamp became like really successful right, and uh his next door neighbours son wanted to buy a t-shirt, and the next door neighbour goes "You're not gonna spend your money on a t-shirt on John Mellancamp, he's just our next door neighbour!" so - like have people changed you know, people at school, do they... you know...

Isaac: Well you know, the thing is I think that the people that change are the people that weren't necessarily your friends to begin with that kind of thing... the people that really are really good friends are the same people that they were before...

Phil: Cause I've been your friend all along... haven't I Jackie?

Taylor: I know, exactly!

[Zac laughing]

Phil: Before you guys even became successful I was ringing up...

Isaac: We used to - we used to call you long distance

Phil: yeah, rollerblading, all that's changed now...

Isaac: Rollerblading over the phone...

Phil: "Phil we'll always like you more than Rick Dees" that's what you used to say... [laughter] ... things change man... [laughs] So what about ahh your musical influences are really bizarre, cause I remember asking you about this you know, and I wasn't sure how far back you guys went in - as far as the music you listen to - but you go way back!

Isaac: Yeah - the first music that we really listened to - kind of inspired I guess the music, was 50's and 60's rock n roll...

Phil: Yeah how's that come about - is it your Dads record collection...?

Isaac: It was, it was kinda - it's actually older than really our parents time... because our parents...

Taylor: Were like four when the music came out...

Phil: Is this like sucking up to Dad time now? [laughter]

Taylor: The music that we heard like 1958 our parents would have been like four years old...

Phil: Oh come on now, come on!!

Taylor: We went to - our Dads job took us to South America, for about a year, and while we were there we got this, it was a tape from 1958 like a compilation of that year, and then we just listened to that over and over and over and over...

Phil: What, you couldn't find any Sex Pistols, so you had to listen to that you know...

Taylor: We were young...

Isaac: It's just a weird coincidence I mean, when we were overseas, I was in third grade, Tay was in first grade and Zac was in preschool... so...

Taylor: We were pretty young... I mean... we weren't exactly radio listeners!

[commercial break]

Phil: The guys from Hanson - Isaac, Zac and Taylor - going off to do a live thing in room 11 very soon of MMMBop... cause I'm playing Speechless actually on the album here right now because of you Zac!

Jackie: Yeah, we heard you've been quiet all day Zac!

Phil: Feel free to say anything at anytime you feel like it Zac you know... [laughter]

Taylor: He's just sitting there giving you the like, angry stare!

Isaac: Yeah the evil eye...

Phil: I know - I didn't mean what I said about drummers being silly... [laughter]

Isaac: Yeah he didn't mean it... and he's still quiet!!

Zac: [evilly] Well you're gonna die... [laughter - karate noises, punching noises - they all join in]

Phil: It's the anti-Zac!!! Oh my gosh!!! [Zac screams]

Phil: ahh that's okay guys - you seen the movie Scanners? That was based on me you know... you guys get a headache and you know where I'm coming from! [laughter, more punching sounds]

Zac: DIE!!!!!!!

Isaac: Okay... that's... nice!

Jackie: Oh yeah!

Phil: Do they boss you round Zac?

Zac: Nup

Phil: Now come on tell the truth man - come on tell the truth!

Isaac: Actually, I think he bosses US around more than we boss him around! [laughter]

Zac: And then... I've got a machete and a boot knife!

Phil: Okay, how did you get that through here? We've got like metal detectors at the door to stop people using like photo cameras, so...

Taylor: We killed the guy with the metal detectors!

Phil: Ahh alright okay!

Zac: [makes motion of cutting throat, and sound] I'm joking!

Isaac: Actually though, I think yeah -

Zac: I'll give him a catscan!

Isaac: Zac, yeah, Zac orders us around more than we do - he's behind the drums and everything and he can control us - control what we do...

Phil: How often do you get home, cause you're like on the road the whole time, do you get to like, go home much?

Isaac: Umm you know, we go home when we get the chance...

Taylor: You can always be home, you can't always be here...

Isaac: Yeah, that's the truth.

Phil: That's too deep for me man, stop that! [laughter]

Zac: Stopppp the mooshy stuff!

Phil: So... like... uhh... I forgot what I was gonna ask. Do you wanna t-shirt?

Isaac: Oh cool!

Taylor: Cool!

Phil: If I give you one of my world famous ugly t-shirts you gotta wear it, okay?

Taylor: uhhh... does it matter if we wear it at our house?... awesome!

Isaac: Oh, that's awesome!

Zac: It's very ugly!

Taylor: It should say "I'm Ugly!"

Phil: Yeah but no, man, it's not... I got copyright on that - you can say you're Hanson, I can say I'm ugly!! [laughter]

Zac: No... the t-shirt just says "Ugly"

Phil: Listen Zac, you can camp in this t-shirt man, it's that big!!

Isaac: Wow! - well thank you very much, we will wear these around the... you know, everywhere and just yeah...

Jackie: Alright, let's get back to the countdown... Phil: Make sure you wear them in video clips and on album covers...

[interview break to play some songs]

Phil: You know, you'd be kind of familiar with Hanson-itis and stuff like that - what do people - you know like - this whole thing must be freaking you out a bit you know like, everyone sorta you know, with these diseases and stuff... I mean people coming up to you, I mean, what's it like - you're only kids - like you're only young...

Isaac: Well actually I think you more think, "Wow... this is weird... I'm who I was before..." that's kinda the strange thing!

Phil: What do you do in your spare time? Do you surf the net or anything like that?

Taylor: Oh yeah, you do that and umm, we rollerblade, we like to draw, with video things, you know, all kinds of stuff...

Isaac: Video things like video games...

Taylor: Video games or like, we have a digital video camera and kinda, play around with stuff with it... like, we're starting to do something later where we'll send pictures onto our website so people can check out where we are...

Phil: Oh cool, so you got a digital camera yeah? So you do downloading at cafes and stuff like that? Yeah, wow!

Taylor: Well like, we'll take a picture in a hotel room or something like that and then we'll send it to people!

Phil: Have you got an official website?

Isaac: Yes -

Phil: Okay, and do you get on much to do like, much chatting?

Taylor: Ahh...

Isaac: We actually have not done a chat on our website yet but we did do the Rolling Stone... uhh, a Rolling Stone online chat

Phil: Oh yeah? How'd that go? How many people got on?

Isaac: Uhh that...

Taylor: Quite a bit!

Isaac: Quite a bit - it was a pretty good size, so I mean, we were really pleased with the turnout of that one...

Taylor: Thing is, you love to get on there and do that stuff but it's like, it's pretty hard.

Phil: Yeah I know, I did it like once and - it was pretty big man, I had like five people online! [laughing]

Isaac: We actually ahh, what's interesting is people know our aol address, our aol address is... mmmbop...

Taylor: Well I wonder why people know it!!

Isaac: Exactly... so sometimes we'll get online...

Phil: How did you think of that!!?

Isaac: We'll get online and go into a chatroom, and what was really funny actually was... people were talking in this chatroom, we started kind of this conversation about the band Hanson... and then... people are talking and they're not realising it...

Taylor: And they go - Wait! Wait! Wait! You are Hanson!

Isaac: It was weird - like, "Oh, cool!"

Phil: What kinda weird stuff do people come up and ask you? I mean I've got so many gifts and stuff to give you here but you know like if people come up to you in the street... you know... obviously apart from Do you have a girlfriend, which would be the first thing right...?

Zac: They go... [makes choking noises]

Isaac: We go - "Breathe! Breathe in, breathe out!" [hear breathing]

Phil: Hey stop that man, people are passing out!

[another break, MMMBop sung live in there too]

Phil: What's some of the weirdest stuff that people have sent you, cause I got, I'm gonna start giving you some of this stuff!

Taylor: Well there was this one guy named Ugly Phil who sent us this flower...

Phil: Yeah, goodonya, that wasn't me man!!

Zac: Yeah I know, it was...

Phil: I wanna know what's in that...

Isaac: Okay... whoa...

Phil: That's signed - I've just given them a huge...

Taylor: It's a bomb!

Phil: ...envelope and it's signed actually from the Unibomber, so I dunno if theres...

[Zac makes a beep sound, bomb exploding sound and goes "Whoaaaaaaaaaa!"] [everyone laughs]

Phil: Where's all our other stuff...

Taylor: That's got some major tape on it, how are we gonna open it?

Phil: Yeah that's right, well I just wanna see... well what kinda weird stuff have people sent you?

Isaac: Zac is opening this... here...

Zac: [makes a sound] Ohh!!! That's on my leg!!!!!! [sounds like he's dying]

Phil: Oh I forgot to tell you, we actually have like alligator mail things here... you know, people actually send other people... it's just a nice thing, alligators in the mail...

Taylor: yeah...

Isaac: People send us - people send you all kinds of things, actually it's generally very creative that they've sent you.

Taylor: Like people have sent like banners - that they've taped pieces of paper together and made 8 foot banners... I mean, it's pretty cool to look at stuff that people send.

Phil: Yeah...

Zac: I'm opening it...

Phil: And do you get uh...

Zac: I got another package...

Phil: Okay...what's happening so far... right there's posters of me in there! Could you...

Zac: Oh my god!!!

Phil: Look at that! Songwords man! Is that like... somebody's sent you a song?

Taylor: Oh my god Jennifer Anniston sent us a poster of herself! [laughing]

Phil: You leave that with me...alright, food...

Taylor: Some jellybeans... all you can need - Jennifer Anniston and some jellybeans!

Phil: What's what the...

Isaac: Ahh you know what they did? I think they wanted us to sign these CD covers...

Zac: And they gave us another envelope!

Phil: Oh gosh...

Isaac: Oh look they gave us another envelope to mail it back!

Taylor: To sign it and send it back... these people are very efficient!

Isaac: Okay...

Phil: Are you amazed at how you know, your fans are so onto where you're gonna be and where you're gonna turn up and stuff like that?

Isaac: That's actually very amazing... I have never... I never really thought about it because... it's very interesting how they find out - you actually wonder - "How do they find out!"

Taylor: It's because...

Phil: I don't know man, we work at the radio station, we didn't know you arrived at the airport, you know like, we got girls emailing going, "How come you never said anything Phil!" and I'm like, I dunno... nobody told me when you were arriving, otherwise I would have mentioned it on the air myself!

Taylor: Yeah

Isaac: Exactly

Phil: Taken the credit for it, you know what I'm saying?

Isaac: Exactly

Taylor: Yeah

Isaac: So I mean... that's a good question we have to...

Taylor: Ask some people

Isaac: Get some callers or something like that!

Zac: Hey caller people...

Taylor: How do you find out where we are?

Phil: That's right, and ah, have you got like uh, an official fanclub?

Zac: We're working on it!

Taylor: We're working on it, it's in the process...

Isaac: Yeah...
