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I uploaded all these wavs myself. If you want to take them for yourself, that's fine, but if you want them for your webpage or something, please ask or at least give me credit. Thanks.

Here's my list of wav's (email me at for the ones that aren't clickable):

3han.wav - Zac's favorite Hanson
anyonehot.wav - Zac saying, "Is anyone hot?" at the Meadowlands concert.
avie.wav - Avery saying, "Hey mister, I don't like your attitude at all!"
b96iwc2u.wav - "I Will Come to You" #1 on B96 radio
babyavie.wav - Hanson's song "Baby Avie"
bathroombreak.wav - well, let's just say Zac got caught off guard!
beeper.wav - well, guys, they don't have beepers
blowyournose.wav - Ike telling Taylor to blow his nose
books.wav - talking about official biography
callerpeople.wav - Zac saying, "Hey caller people"
ch1news.wav - channel 1 news!
Cinnabon.wav - They like cinnabon!
cinpam.wav - having a party with Cindy and Pamela
color.wav - Zac likes the color contrast
cool.wav - it's Zac, need I say more?
cream.wav - Taylor using an English accent
criedback.wav - The backround of "Cried" from TTMON
drummers.wav - the interviewer says he's a drummer
dustbrothers.wav - They're not dusty!
eyebrows.wav - Zac saying, "You have big eyebrows!" to the guy on Recovery
fight.wav - Zac's fighting
fire.wav - Zac wondering a weird thing about fire
freaky.wav - Zac making a bunch of weird noises
garage.wav - Zac talking about "3 Car Garage"
girls.wav - They're imitating obsessed girl fans (that doesn't apply to you, right?)
gonnadie.wav - Zac saying, "Now you're gonna die"
grandpa.wav - they're gonna play at retirement homes!
graphic.wav - Taylor gets a little too graphic at the Z100 interview
guitar.wav - Ike playing a new song on the guitar
habits.wav - Ike and Tay's bad habits
hate.wav - they hate themselves
helpus.wav - Zac saying, "Our parents forced us into this, help us!"
hopeforthebest.wav - Taylor suggests hoping for the best
hot.wav - cute/hot fans
howdy.wav - Zac saying "howdy" a bunch of times
ike18.wav - he can go to jail now!
ikemessup.wav - Ike messes up while singing "MMMBop"
ikeoops.wav - Ike messes up while trying to say "second"
immune.wav - Zac is saying he has a good immune system
imretarded.wav - Ike saying, "I'm retarded"
imugly.wav - Taylor saying, "It should say i'm ugly"
inspiration.wav - saying that they get their inspiration from a kid in a closet!
internet.wav - go to hansonline for the truth
italy.wav - saying Italy has nice-looking women!
IWC2U.wav - well, they're trying to sing
JenAJB.wav - Taylor likes Jennifer Aniston and jelly beans
Jenpic.wav - they get a picture of Jennifer Aniston
lollawhat.wav - they're trying to pronounce a word
loveline.wav - Zac pretends to be on loveline
lowmmmbop.wav - they can sing kind of freaky!
mackiecupcake.wav - Mackenzie (or Avie) singing a cupcake song
mfm.wav - Zac singing then, and Zac singing now!
microphone.wav - can the mike live through it?
Mikesnose.wav - Zac likes his nose the way it is!
mmmbopcute.wav - A cute acoustic version of "MMMBop"
mmmbophum.wav - Ike humming "MMMBop"
mmmvalentine.wav - A Valetine's Day version of "MMMBop"
mooshystuff.wav - Zac saying, "Stop the mooshy stuff!"
mtapart.wav - "More Than Anything" in TT&MON
nogirlfriends.wav - confirming that they don't have girlfriends
noticed.wav - being noticed in public
nowords.wav - Taylor saying "MMMBop" doesn't have any words
oh.wav - A Tay combination of "oh's" from MON (very cool)
oops.wav - Zac does something while Ike is talking
owmyears.wav - Zac saying "ow, ow, ow, my ears..."
philstapler.wav - Tay has a nice comment about Ugly Phil
pink.wav - they like "Pink" and sing their favorite part
planet.wav - Zac has his own planet
planet2.wav - continuation of above
quiet.wav - Zac singing Shakespeare!
rickhair.wav - I think the wav title explains it
sardines.wav - Taylor saying the crowd is smooshed like sardines
shutup.wav - interviewer telling Zac to shutup
shutupike.wav - telling Ike to shut up
singmmmbop.wav - Tay encouraging fans to sing at the Meadowlands concert
taycombo.wav - a wav just for Tay :-)
tayheart.wav - Tay talking about "Titanic" and singing
taylor.wav - combination of Taylor quotes during "I Will Come to You"
taysimpression.wav - what is Tay's impression?
thankphil.wav - thanking Ugly Phil on their CD
tractors.wav - talking about their friends, the Tractors
tuba.wav - Zac wants a tuba in the songs
tunder.wav - Taylor saying he wears turquoise underwear
twizzler.wav - Zac's playing tic-tac-toe with twizzlers
usedto.wav - Taylor saying they got rid of their siblings
weird.wav - Tay telling Zac what to do for the "Weird" video
youknow.wav - You should know this song
yourmom.wav - the guys are telling some nice "your mom" jokes
Z100.wav - they're talking about streaking!
zaccombo.wav - combination of Zac quotes

**I'm in a cool wav of the day club, so my list gets bigger everyday. Email Emily if you want to subscribe to this cool wav club.

**If you want "Boomerang" or "MMMBop" wavs, go to the CD's link and access them from there.
