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What's In Hanson's Bedroom?

When we sat down to chat with the Hanson brothers, we couldn't help wondering what their bedroom back home in Tulsa, Oklahoma looks like. After all, it's been said that a bedroom reveals a lot about the occupants' personalities. So, we thought a discripton of their bedroom might tell us a little something new about the Hanson brothers: 16-year-old Isaac, 14-year-old Taylor and 11-year-old Zachary. And though they are happy to tell us what their room looks like, Taylor warns, "It's a total wreck!"

Since Hanson spent the past few years perfecting its music skills in concerts all across the country, you'd think that music sheets, instruments and recording equipment would be scattered all around the room, right? Wrong! Instead, their room is cluttered with those colorful little building blocks called Legos. Taylor tells us that he and his brothers have been collecting Medieval Times Legos, which are designed to create castles, fortresses and other medieval structures, for at least 10 years. Now, Isaac confesses, "We have a giant collection of them." In fact, they have filled four oversized Tupperware containers with Legos and piled even more of them on a huge, gray table. "The Lego table takes up half the room," youngest Zac admits.

Aside from the Lego table, Hanson's bedroom looks like any other bedroom belonging to a bunch of guys. "Our room is white, and there are two white dressers full of our clothes," Zachary reveals. "On top of those, there are trophies, and on one of them, there is also a broken CD player and other CD player that works. Then we have a closet with a brown door, full of clothes that we can't wear anymore. And then there's a closet that we don't want to describe. Oooh!" He shudders dramatically. So, what's in this closet that's so scary? "Well, we throw our dirty socks in there," Taylor confesses.

While some guys cover their walls with colorful posters of bands and models, Hanson's bedroom walls are mostly bare. "We just have pictures of ourselves," Zachary jokes. All kidding aside, Isaac tells BOP, "We don't really have any posters on the wall. We collect different memorabilia of our band, of us. Just, like, banners and things."

Beneath those banners is teh bunk bed shared by Isaac and Taylor. "Isaac gets the top and I get the one under it," Taylor explains. So, where does Zachary sleep? "I just sleep on the floor," he shrugs. Isaac quickly corrects his brother, explaining that Zachary doesn't mean he spends his nights on a cold, hard floor. Instead, Zachary sleeps in a trundle bed that's low enought to slide under the bunk bed.

So, what does this bedroom reveal about Hanson? Well, their collection of band memorabilia probably means that they're sentimental. The closet of dirty socks is a good sign that they're so laid-back and easygoing, they don't worry about washing clothes immediately. And the Legos? Well, we think they show that Isaac, Taylor and Zachary are playful and have tons of creative energy--which, of course, is just what makes them so special to their fans!
