Part One - The Trips
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Part One - The Trips

Kate shifted uncomfortably in her chair. It was Friday, last period and it was mid-November. As a result it was pretty hot, but what made it worse was that it would get hotter in the next month leading to summer. She envied all the countries in the northern hemisphere who would be having cool weather right about now. It annoyed her that she was stuck in the humid city of Brisbane, Australia. She glanced at the clock on the back wall of the classroom, twenty minutes left. She sat there motionless, trying to at least take in a couple of syllables of her geography teacher’s droning. Oh why bother? It was Friday and there was absolutely no energy left in her whatsoever. Instead she let her mind wander to Hanson, her mind often did that. She thought about meeting them and how unlikely it was and how much she loved Isaac. She knew it wasn’t real love, she didn’t even know him and he had absolutely no idea of her existence. It suck. Luckily she had been blessed with a good imagination. For the next twenty minutes of her lesson she sat and immersed herself in her own world.


“Kate!” called out the familiar voice of Sarah.

“Yeah.” Kate said without much enthusiasm.

“Listen, I’ve gotta go to the city this arvo, so if mum and dad ask can you tell them.”

“Yeah I guess” Kate sigh. “Cool thanks Kate, see ya.” With that Sarah was off. Kate sighed as she watched her perfect bodied sister walk off, it wasn’t fair, how come she got all of the looks genes. Kate continued to her home room where she was destined to spend ten minutes in a non ventilated area where people were always spraying deodorant around, the odour was sickening. Especially when some of them used mens cologne like Dufouri instead of the normal stuff, it made Kate wanna puke. She came into her home room and she was hit by the wave of noise that was spreading from their room to everywhere else. Everyone else was loud and opinionated, a lot of them totally hypo, not Kate, she kept quiet and kept to herself. Finally after what seemed like a millennium they finished.

Kate walked quickly outside to where her mother was waiting for them, she was on maternity leave so she could pick them all up now. The family car was a Tarago which was a good thing. Their dad although drove a Merc.

“Hey Kats.” Said her mother as she got into the car, it was her pet name, it was thanks to her love for cats.

”Hey mum, oh by the way Sarah has gone into the city.” Her mum just shook her head

“Alright, lets get going shall we.” They drove out of the carport and made their way through the busy streets home. Kate looked out of the window the whole way. Her mum was in a good mood today so she let them listen to Middle Of Nowhere in the car.


It was about eight thirty when their parents called the four eldest in for a family meeting. Cathy was sitting on the couch inspecting her nails in a sports tracksuit, Jessica sat reading yet another horse magazine and Sarah was talking on the phone. Kate was basically just sitting there so what else was new. Their parents came in and told Sarah to get off the phone and after much debate she eventually did so.

“Guys, this summer we are giving you a choice.” Their father said.

”Of what?” said Sarah impatiently anxious to call back her friend.

”Of where you want to go for your holidays.” As soon as he had said this he had every ones attention.

”You mean we can go anywhere we want?” Cathy asked.

”By ourselves?” said Sarah hopefully.

”Well not totally by yourselves,” their mother said “We’d prefer you two to stay with relatives,” she said referring to Cathy and Jess “but you guys can go where we don’t have relatives as long as you go together.” She said Sarah and Kate looked at each other and smiled, they got on remarkably well together although Kate often felt a large amount of jealousy towards her.

”I wanna go to horse camp!” exclaimed an excited Jessica. Kate and Sarah just looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

”Can I go to Cairns and stay with Auntie Di?” asked Cathy.

”Yes well of you guys can, now Kate and Sarah, where do you want to go?”

”London!” said Sarah wildly, and Kate had said “Tulsa” just as wildly at the same time, but was not as audible.

”Well how ‘bout you guys go to London one week and Tulsa another week?” Kate looked at Sarah and she smiled.

”Sure!” they both said at the same time. Their mother just smiled at them.

”Well that settles it, Kate and Sarah for London and Tulsa, Jess for horse camp and Cathy for Cairns.”

Soon after that they all went to bed, Kate spent the night dreaming of the time she would have in Tulsa and London.

Part Two - Airline Food
Story Index
