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Part Ten - Destiny

Kate threw herself down on the still wet sofa. She reached for the remote control and flicked onto one of the boring TV stations, she wasn’t really watching it anyway. She was thinking about what had happened about last night and that morning. She couldn’t believe that she had kneed that asshole in the dick. Although the fact that she had just been making out, with Isaac Hanson no less, was way to unbelievable. She quickly pinched herself . Nup she wasn’t dreaming. She looked over at Sarah who was still fast asleep in bed, man was she gonna have a massive headache when she woke up. Kate put her hand where Isaac had been sitting, letting herself remember what had happened between them and how she felt. It had actually meant something to her. She honestly felt she could love him. Before she had meet him, she had liked him a lot, she hadn’t really loved him, cos she’d never met him, but now? She had to admit, that, that had been her first kiss, well since Kindergarten. To her at least it had meant something, which was good, since that was what she had promised herself that her first kiss would have been like.

She heard Sarah call out her name behind her. Kate got up and got her some aspirin. She went over and sat next to her sister on the bed. Neither of them really said anything, Kate wasn’t even sure if Sarah remembered what had passed last night. Eventually Sarah looked up at Kate, (Kate had always been the taller one)

”Katie, what did you do to yourself?” Kate looked at Sarah incredulously, “Wait a sec, I know, you made out with Ike? I’m right, I know I’m right.” Kate wasn’t sure what to say, she blushed anyway. Sarah nodded and smiled. “I’m going for a walk. “ Kate said

Kate left and went downstairs to lobby, she wasn’t really going anywhere in particular, suddenly she got the urge to write something. This happened on occasions. She made her way into the shops, brought a pad and pencil and went up to the pool. She settled herself at one of the tables near the pool. She looked down and the paper and slowly began to write.


He sat

She sat

Same face

Different place

Thinking of each other

Each other together



For One another


She stopped there, and looked at it, it was soooooooooo corny. She sighed and grabbed her pad and headed back upstairs. As she got off the lift, she bumped into Walker with Mackie, Avie and Jessie.

”Hey Katie!” said Mackie waving to her.

”Hey Macca!” she answered “Hey guys!” she said to the others. For some reason she was finding it hard to look Walker in the face. It wasn’t that she felt guilty in front of him cos of what happened with Ike, she’d felt the same last night. It’s just that her mum thought that he was good looking, and even thinking that made her want to burst out laughing. She entered their room dumping her stuff on the table noticing a note from Sarah that read ‘Gone out’ “Duh” Kate muttered to herself. She went out on the balcony again, but accidently shut the door. “Doh!” she cried out.

Howdy!” came Ike’s voice from across the balcony. Kate nearly burst out laughing.

”Lemme guess, locked out?” she asked trying to hold in her smile.

”Right on!” he said making a totally adorable face that made her heart just melt, if she had been able to she would have kissed him then and there, the simplest things did that to her.

”Why does this always happen to us?” she asked,

”It could be fate?” Isaac suggested. Just then Tay poked his head out to inform Ike that they had to go.

”Oh could you open my door, Sarah’s ‘out’?” Ike smiled and nodded. Kate only had to wait a few seconds till she saw Ike on the other side of the door. She smiled as he slid open the door,

”Do not worry fair princess, your saviour has arrived.” He said in an attempt to be gallant, what he did next surprised her, he lifted her up and pulled her inside.

”Ah my hero, how may I ever repay you?” Kate replied,

”Just to hold your fair hand is payment enough.” He said looking at her seriously. Kate smiled as an overwhelming sense of love filled her heart,

”Well what about this?” she said then she leaned forward and kissed him passionately. He pulled back,

“Well that might be good enough.” He said grinning smugly. She hugged him then pulled back,

”Now fair prince I feel you must, as duty calls you in the north.” She said walking with him towards the door,

”I go but with a heavy heart.” He said jutting out his lower lip. Kate smiled,


”Bye!” he answered giving her a peck on the cheek before running down the hall towards his waiting brothers. Kate closed the door and leaned against it. “wow” she said to herself.

Part Eleven - Harrods
Story Index
