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Part Eleven - Harrods

The next three days that they spent in London were ones of bliss for Kate. Even though she didn’t get to see Ike that much when she did get to see him she was purely happy, pity it would all have to end in about a week after they left Tulsa. The Hansons were going back home to Tulsa for three weeks, so at least Kate and Sarah would get to spend another week with them. Kate walked down the Barbie aisle of Harrods and watched as Sarah stood talking to one of the store assistants, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Kate often wondered what it would be like being that good looking and that outgoing. Sarah had although had been acting weird ever since that night with Curtis. She had barely talked to Kate and when she did she wasn’t very nice, she seemed a lot more distant, especially towards Kate. ‘Obviously not distant enough to flirt.’ Kate thought to herself.

Kate picked up a Gymnast Barbie. ‘Why didn’t they have barbies this good when I was a kid?’ she asked herself. She put it into the basket she was carrying around. She was hunting for gifts for Cathy, Lizzie and Abbey. She had gotten Cathy a really groovy sports computer game. Kate and Cathy were both really into computers and Kate thought she’d appreciate the game. The Barbie was for Lizzie and she hadn’t quite decided what to get Abbey yet. As Kate wandered down the aisle she felt some ones hands go over her eyes.

”Guess who?” a voice asked. Kate didn’t need to guess,

”Hey Tay.” She answered. Tay took his hands away,

”How’d ya guess?”

”I’d know that voice anywhere.” She grinned at him slyly. Tay smiled,

”May I ask what your doing in Barbie lane?” he said giving her a look of concern.

”I may ask the same of you?” Kate said looking at him expectantly.

”It’s Avie’s Birthday soon!” he said defensivily.

”Whatever you reckon Tay. Where are the others?” she asked.

”Ike and Zac are battling it out over in the computer section.” He said.

”Why am I not surprised, do you mind if I go say hi?”

”Nah go ahead, besides, I must be alone with the barbies.” He said as if choking back tears. Kate laughed,

”see ya Tay.”


”hehehehehehe!” laughed Zac evilly as he over took Ike in Crusin’ USA on the Nintendo 64.

”Haha,” Ike said as he booted Zac’s car from behind and made it flip off the road.

”OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! ISAAC!!!!! ZAC!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” they heard someone scream down. They turned towards the girl with polite smiles on their faces. They saw Kate standing there.

”I do it rather well don’t I?” she said smiling. Zac and Ike looked at each other and started laughing. Kate came towards them.

”How are you guys?”

”I was good till this thing booted me in the butt!” Zac said giving Ike a disgusted look.

”Oh Ike, your just so mean to him. I can’t stand it!” she said pretending to be mad.

”I feel so dirty.” Ike said looking down at his shoes. “Well so you should!” Zac said then he looked up at Kate, “Hey Kats, you wanna play for me?” Kate shrugged. Zac grinned, “Yay I’m gonna win hehehe!” Zac said poking his tongue out at Ike. Kate rolled her eyes and continued the game with Ike. Not surprisingly she did win.

”Well my dear you won, once again proving you diverse talent.” Ike said putting his arm around Kate’s waist.

”Actually I think it just proved the amount of free time I had this summer.” She replied.

”Modest as always. So where to next?” Ike said.

”Well I gotta get gift for Abbey, my youngest sister, so um, can we go to the stuffed toy section?” she asked Ike hopefully.

”Well I dunno ‘bout you guys but I’m off to the Lego section see ya.” Zac said and then disappeared quickly.

”Well it’s off to the toys we go!” Ike said hooking his arm in with hers as he escorted her to the stuffed toys section.

Kate walked down the aisles of the toys overwhelmed she had never seen so many toys in one place. Her eyes fell upon a large teddy bear sitting on one of the shelves. She went towards it.

”It’s sooooo cute!” she said to Ike who had followed her. She looked at the price tag.

“Wow, well there’s a bear I’m never gonna get.” She said starting to put the bear back on the shelf.

”Lemme look.” Ike said taking the bear. His eyes widened as he saw the price. “all that for some nylon and stuffing?” he asked looking at her. Kate shrugged and kept on going down the aisle. Ike looked at the bear and then at Kate. He smiled to himself and made a promise he would come back later.

Kate eventually decided on a small stuffed cow. Abbey had a thing about cows. She looked at her watch, “Shoot I gotta go locate Sarah and pay for all of this, I’ll meet you outside in about five or ten minutes?” she asked Ike.

”Sure see ya then.”

”Seeya!” Kate said running off to find her sister. When she was out of sight Ike turned around and headed back to the stuffed toys aisle.

Kate stood outside Harrods in the cold air waiting for Ike. She watched through the doors as Sarah was still talking to that assistant. Kate hated to say it but Sarah was becoming a tart. That’s the fifth guy she’s flirted with today and it’s only one o’clock. Soon she noticed Ike emerging through the doors carrying a massive package.

”Hey! You need some help with that?” she asked walking over to him.

”Nah I’m okay!” was his reply.

”What is that anyway?” she asked him trying to peak into the bag.

”A present.” He said simply putting down on the ground.

”Well judging by the size of it, the person it’s for must be a good friend.”

”What makes you think that?” he said looking at her.

”well, you must care about someone a lot to get them something that big and if it’s from Harrods, that expensive. Although, one must say smaller presents are just as good, I guess it always depends who it’s from, someone you like, someone you hate, someone who wants you to like them or someone who wants you not to like them. Okay just forget the very materialistic thing I just said.” she said.

”Well you do mean a lot to me that’s why I brought it for you.” Ike said. Kate looked at the bag,

”You brought it for me?” she asked in disbelief. Ike nodded.

”Oh my god! Thank you!” she said practically leaping forward to hug him. Ike smiled

”aren’t you gonna open it?” he said looking happily at her. Kate smiled and bent down to open it. She opened the bag and pulled out the teddy bear that she had liked in the store. She had no idea what to say. She looked at Ike she kissed him gently on the lips and hugged him again.

”What did I do to deserve this?” she asked looking at him straight in the eye.

”All you had to do was to be yourself.” Was his reply. Kate’s heart melted and her knees became week, this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said or done for her.

Part Twelve - Maybe
Story Index
