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Part Twelve - Maybe

Kate lay on her bed listening to her love song compilation as she watched Sarah fold her clothes neatly and put them into her suitcase, she looked over at all of her stuff that she had brought it was everywhere in her suitcase and in no particular order. She then looked over to the desk where the bear that Ike had given her sat. She hadn’t thought of name for it yet, she figured she’d let Ike name it. That bear meant more to her than what it actually was. It was a symbol of what Ike would do to make her happy and that meant more to her than any other little thing in the world. She wondered what would happen between them. Maybe it was just a summer/winter ‘fling’ or maybe it was more serious, whatever it was only time would tell. She looked at her watch, it was eight-thirty time for the live show that the guys were going to be on. Kate got up and moved towards the couch. She flicked onto the station to see them playing MMMBop. That was a song that she would never ever get sick of, they also played Madeline. Apparently they were going to release it soon, it was a good idea, but Kate thought A Minute Without You would have been better.

The interview wasn’t that exciting, all the same questions, you’d think the interviewers would have learned enough not to ask all the same questions. It was only when the girlfriend question came up did Kate pay more attention.


“So you guys haven’t got any girlfriends stashed away anywhere?” the weird interviewer asked. Tay and Zac both said no, but Ike decided he should start something, “Maybe.” He said quietly. As soon as he did the whole audience went silent as did the cast and crew, probably the viewers and Kate did as well. Tay smiled at Ike with encouragement. “There might be someone special, I dunno, something could happen.” Ike continued, Zac gave Ike a cheeky grin and the weird interviewer smiled. “Well folks, looks like the oldest might have had his first brush with love, well Ike we wish and your lucky gal the best of luck in the future.” Then the interviewer turned towards the front and announced they were going to a break. The guys left and went backstage to where there parents were waiting for them. Their mom and dad had the same looks on their face, it wasn’t a bad look, it was a happy look, a our-boy-is-growing-up look. There was also some concern in the look, Ike could understand why. Kate was two years younger than him, their lifestyles were completely different and she lived on the other side of the Equator in Australia. Isaac sighed as their parents hearded all of them out the back into the van to go back to the hotel. Ike wondered if Kate had seen the performance.


”Do you think he was talking about me?” Kate asked in shock.

”No Kate, he was talking about the other chick he’s been wooing on the side for the last week.” Sarah said sarcastically. Kate threw the cushion at her. Sarah came up and gave Kate a hug.

“Well it’s about time Kiddo, I must admire your taste, I couldn’t have picked a better guy myself.” Kate smiled.

”Sarah, are you okay?” she asked her sister.

”I’m fine, don’t worry about me, I’m gonna go for a walk.” Sarah smiled and walked out the door. Somehow Kate didn’t trust Sarah and if she was going for a walk, why didn’t she take her coat.

Kate went and got the bear Ike had given her and sat on the bed and hugged, she sat there motionless and deep in thought until she heard a knock at the door.

”Come in,” she said, the door slowly opened and not surprisingly Isaac came through.

”Hey” he said quietly.

”Hey,” Kate replied.

”Did you see the show?” he asked Kate just nodded still not looking at him.

”Whatcha thinking?” he asked.

”I’m thinking,” Kate paused trying to find the right words, “I’m thinking about how much I think I love you.” She said finally looking at him. She didn’t know what kind of effect that had on Ike. He was touched, she had just made him feel better about himself more than anyone ever had, not even his brothers. He moved towards her and sat beside her on the bed. He put his arms around her and rested his head on top of hers.

”I think I love you too.” He whispered. She nodded and let her head rest on his shoulder. They sat there for awhile and their bodies almost melted into each other. Kate looked up at him after awhile,

”This won’t work.” She said simply,

”We won’t know if we don’t try.” he said looking at her. They kissed, they kissed with more tenderness, passion and love than they had done before. After awhile Ike said.

”So what ya gonna call the bear.” Kate let out a little laugh and looked down at the bear.

”I think I’ll call it Love.”

”Why do you want to call it that?” he asked her.

”So when I say you gave me love, it’ll have a multiple meaning.”

”You know I just realised something,” he said smiling, “you are the most hopeless romantic I’ve ever meet.”

”Is that a good thing?”

”It’s a very good thing.” He said embracing her tightly in her arms, neither of them ever wanted to let go.

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