Part Two - Airline Food
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Part Two - Airline Food

It was so that two months later, the week after Kate’s fifteenth birthday (January 4th) that Sarah and Kate found themselves on a plane to London. Of course they had to go via Singapore, they were on their way there at the moment. Kate was drop dead bored.

”This is worse than Geography!” Kate said to Sarah who was as bored as hell too.

”You read my mind!” said Sarah. Luckily for them though they served the dinner soon and then there was an in-flight movie. After about five or so hours later they landed in the Singapore airport. They then got off quickly and went to gate 17 flight 404. They got on, their seats typically were right up the back and you could barely see the TV where they put the in-flight movies. On the bright side though, they were close to the toilets. Kate leant out into the aisle to see what she could see, what she saw was a three year old little blonde boy jumping into her seat. Something stirred inside her, the kid reminded her of someone, she just shrugged her shoulders and sat back into the seat and prepared herself for the ten hour flight.


Isaac turned the page of his book, it was Star Wars, he must of read like a million times, but it only got better. Tay who was sitting to his right was writing something in his personal journal and Zac to his left was, well he was sleeping. ‘Recharging his batteries’ Isaac thought to himself. They were on a plane headed for London, they’d just left Singapore where they had made the film clip for Madeline. They were going to stay in London for about a week and then go home to Tulsa for a three week break. They were all looking forward to that. After that they’d be going on tour and this time they had decided to start with Australia. And work their way back to Tulsa. Isaac put his book down and looked at his brothers, by now Tay had also gone to sleep as had the rest of their party, so he figured he might at least go to sleep, but first he had to use the toilet.

He unbuckled his seat belt and carefully made his way past Tay who stirred but didn’t wake up. He looked down the front and they were all occupied but there was one left down the back. He silently made his way to the back, just about everyone was asleep and those who weren’t were close. Very close to the absolute back he noticed two girls sleeping. One of them was incredibly beautiful, the other one was not as good looking at all really, but she still caught his attention. They looked very peaceful. He wondered what they were like when they were awake and he made a point of coming back down later. The other seat seemed to be empty. He did his business and made his way back, soon after he fell asleep.


Kate awoke with a sudden start and her hand immediately went to her stomach which was churning with tremendous pain. She glanced quickly at her sister who was sound asleep. She clutched her stomach and curled up in a ball and let out a quite aloud groan. Sarah stirred and then Kate watched as her eyes fluttered open, Kate must have looked sick or something since Sarah responded to her in such. ”Oh my god Katie are you OK? What am I saying of course your not, hang on a minute.” Sarah got up and quickly ran to get a stewardess. She and a steward came back, they both looked concerned, Kate knew if she looked as sick as she felt she must look horrible. The best the airline people could do was give her a couple of Panadol. That proved to be a complete waste of time. When she was still just as sick half an hour later they located a doctor on the plane somewhere. She couldn’t even tell what was wrong with her, their best bet was food poisoning. Typical airline food. After another fifteen minutes she drifted into an uncomfortable and uneasy sleep.


Sarah looked down at the sleeping body beside her. Kate looked far from peaceful, her normally pale skin had gone even paler and had a thin layer of sweat, her shoulder length brown hair was a frizzy mess, even though it often was but now it was even worse, and generally she did not look well. Sarah couldn’t believe that she had gotten food poisoning, typical airline food. Looking at her sister even closer Sarah spotted all of the obvious and not so obvious differences between the two. Kate wasn’t, honestly at all very pretty. It wasn’t her fault, she’d just lucked-out on that part of the gene pool, and Sarah knew it was true that she did have the looks. It sounded conceited saying so but was true. But Sarah also knew that after you got to know Kate, she became one of the most beautiful people in the world. It was her personality that did it really. She could make anyone with a decent sense of humour laugh uncontrollably. Frankly where Kate lacked in the looks department, she gained double points in the personality department.

Unlike herself Kate was kind, patient and caring towards kids, and other people basically. Sarah had to admit she lacked the quality of patience. She didn’t know what it was specifically but Kate was just the kind of person that one wanted to be around as much as they could. Kate stirred and opened her eyes wide. “Sarah I have to puke.” With that she promptly spewed out all over the floor. The stewards and stewardesses came running and Kate started to cry. There was a great fuss and Sarah was glad that the majority of the plane were asleep and that no one, could see, hear or smell what was going on. Sarah sat next to her sister and rubbed her back while the steward made a big fuss about asking her how she was while the stewardesses mopped up the spew and handed Kate a bowl.

~~~~~~~~ Isaac awoke with a sudden start. He could sense that something was wrong. At the back of the plane he could voices so he quickly turned around to see the airline staff rushing around the back near where those two girls were sleeping. He wondered if the commotion was to do with the two girls, it was near where they were sitting. He had to know, so he got up and headed towards the back. He saw the pretty girls head pop out from behind a seat, as she saw him her eyes widened and she quickly glanced back at the seat. Then she looked back at him and signalled for him to stop, she seemed to have a look of panic on her face. Within a few seconds she was headed towards her. She came up to him and smiled at him briefly. “Okay um, hi,” she said uncertainly. “You can’t go down there.” She said simply. “Why not?” asked Isaac who was incredibly confused. “Oh okay here’s the thing Isaac, my sister Kate, down there,” she pointed to where she had come from. “Well she is a massive fan of yours, she’d love to meet you, but, she is very, very sick at the moment. Right now, she’s spewing and crying and in a great deal of stress, you seeing her here, well it might upset her more and I can’t let that happen, so yeah you can use the toilets up there anyway.” She said quickly and in a hushed whisper.

Well Isaac was confused and he couldn’t deny the fact that he felt a little hurt, but he knew it was nothing to do with him, he understood. “Okay, well what ever.” He answered her.

“Thanks I appreciate it, if she knew that you were here right now she’d spaz out and at this moment that is not what we want trust me.”

“May I just ask what is wrong with her?”

“Umm well we think she has food poisoning, but she hasn’t eaten much, so we think it could be the airline food on the way over here. Look anyway I better get back to her thanks anyway, see ya around.” She smiled and made her way quickly back to where she had come from. Isaac watched her intently. He hoped they’d meet again, very soon.


Kate groaned as Sarah sat back in her seat. “Where’d you go?” she managed to ask. She didn’t like the fact that her sister had just left her, but what else could she do or say. “Bathroom.” Sarah said simply, but from the look on her face and Kate could tell that, that wasn’t the truth. In fact knowing Sarah the way she did, she had probably been talking to some guy. Kate moved slightly and felt her stomach churn. “Sar I need to throw up.” she managed to say before quickly spilling what little there was left in her stomach into the bowl. “Eww” Sarah said looking at the mess in the bowl. “Your telling me.” Kate said feeling a little better. The stewardess came and cleaned up the mess. Kate felt herself feeling very weak and soon went to a uneasy sleep. She dreamed of the fun she was going to have in London and Tulsa, plus what colour Doc Martins she was going to buy. She wanted yellow ones.

Part Three - The Door
Story Index
