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Part Three - The Door

After about two days Kate was fully recovered. It was food poisoning, and about six or seven other people on the plane to Singapore had got it as well. One good thing had come out of it though. The airline, to avoid a law suit, offered to pay for all of their accommodation for the rest of their trip and they upgraded their plane tickets to first class. They were even going to pay for room service. They had also updated them to the larger more classy rooms near the top of the plush hotel they were staying at. Maybe being incredibly sick for a few days wasn’t so bad after all. Today they were going out on the town to do some sightseeing. They were going to go to Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and the place where they shot the where’s the love video, Kate had forgotten what it was called, she figured there’d be a postcard with the place on it somewhere.

Kate piled on all of her clothes, it was freezing outside. It annoyed her that it was like thirty degrees Celsius back home and it was below zero here. For the first time she started to explore the room. She was waiting for Sarah who was downstairs arranging for a taxi. She walked around, it was quite large. It didn’t have separate bedrooms, but it had a couple of couches, two king sized beds up against the wall, a fairly large kitchenette with a fridge stock to the brim full of yummy English chocolate and a massive TV with cable and a huge stereo. There was a massive bathroom with a spa bath and a separate shower. At one side of the room there was door, Kate assumed that it lead to the room next door she figured she might as well try it anyways, even though it’d most likely be locked. She turned the knob and surprisingly it opened. She couldn’t help herself, she pushed the door gently open, she saw a blonde kid run by screaming so she closed it quickly out of fear of being caught. Just as she closed She heard Sarah behind her. “What do you think your doing?” she asked looking at her raising her eyebrow, a talent that Kate had not yet perfected. “I thought it was locked.” Was her only reply. “Well come there’s a cab waiting downstairs for us, we better go.” Sarah opened the front door and went out letting Kate follow, a busy day of sightseeing.


meanwhile behind the door………..

“Hey Ikey poos, is it just me or did someone open the door before?” Zac Hanson called to his brother. “It’s all in your mind, you know they lock those doors.” Tay said walking into the living room from the bathroom. “I dunno, I thought I heard it shut.” Zac said doubtfully. “Look if it bothers you that much why don’t you just go look.” Isaac said impatiently. Zac looked at his brother feeling a little bit hurt. “What’s with you Ike you’ve been acting like the grim reaper ever since we got here.” He said looking at his brother expectantly. “I have not.” Was Isaac’s reply. “Have too.” Tay and Zac said at the same time. Isaac looked at the both of them and forced a smile. “I’m sorry guys, I’ve just had something on my mind lately that’s all.” Tay shot a look at him but he ignored it. “Okay.” Said Zac satisfied with the answer. “So we gonna check out this door or what?” he asked with a tone of mystery in his voice. “Don’t think there’ll be much to see but I suppose so.” Said Ike.

As if that was the green light at the start of a race, Zac shot over to t he door and turned the knob. Much to all of their surprise it opened. “Wow.” Tay said going over to the door and looked inside. “So we gonna go in or what?” said an excited Zac. Isaac looked at them. “I don’t think we should.” He said. “Oh come on where’s your sense of adventure?” Zac said pulling Isaac up from the chair where he was comfortably seated. Once again Ike cursed to himself about the strength of his brother, he really didn’t want to go into some one else’s room. He wondered why the others did too. He guessed it was just a natural curiosity, but it felt wrong.

They all entered the room and it was much the same as theirs big beds and big TV. Just as they started to break up they heard the keys at the door. “Shiite!” cried out Zac as all three of them quickly sprinted back to their room closing the door behind them.


Kate entered the room quickly and searched for her camera which she had typically left in the room. She found it on the table behind the door. Just as she was about leave she noticed the door was slightly ajar. “That’s funny, I’d thought I’d closed that.” She said to herself as she quickly went across the room. She suddenly got the suspicion that someone had been in their room, hadn’t she heard a shriek as she was opening the door. She opened the door and stuck her head in and started to scan the room, nothing. Something caught her eye though, there was an acoustic guitar resting in the corner. Something began to tick away in her mind. Kate shrugged it off and closed the door. “Must be imagining things” she said to herself. She went to their front door and left for the cab downstaris.


The Hanson brothers crawled out from their hiding places. Isaac stared at the door, he knew that girl, he couldn’t place where from though, but he knew her. He shrugged it off. A knock came at their door. They exchanged panicked glances to each other. Zac ran over to the door and looked through the peephole. “It’s just mom.” He said opening the door. Their mother greeted them. “Hey guys, you ready for some school.” She said enthusiastically. They all groaned and followed their mom into her room where she had set it up as a mini classroom. Three hours of this and then the rest of the day for fun. Well at least it was something the could look forward to they were going to see a movie, then go shopping or maybe go sightseeing, it would be fun though. Isaac looked down at the algebraic equations that their maths tutor Linda had placed in front of him and winced. Why god invented algebra he would never know.

Part Four - The Balcony
Story Index
