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Part Four - The Balcony

Kate was very proud of herself, she had just brought a pair of bright yellow Doc martins and a groovy pair of yellow pants. They both actually looked pretty good on her, which was weird since it was rare that anything looked good on her. She walked into their hotel room. It was about seven thirty at night. She sighed and looked out of their balcony window. The London lights were beautiful. You couldn’t see many stars thanks to air pollution. “Sar” she said to her sister who was sitting on the couch. “Ya” Sarah answered absent mindedly. “I’m going out onto the balcony.” Kate said. “Yeah whatever.” Sarah answered putting the head phones on for her Discman, When she began singing along Kate knew she was listening to Blur. Blur and Matchbox 20 were her sister’s favourite bands, Kate didn’t mind that much at all really.

Kate stepped out onto the balcony and was hit by below zero air. She was grateful that she had brought her parka out with her. She leaned over the balcony and looked down at the city streets below. She watched the cars buzz by, the street lights glimmer on the freshly fallen snow. Kate sighed and looked up at the sky. You couldn’t really see too many stars, Kate just assumed that they were in a huge city with tonnes of light and there must be a lot of air pollution about. She sighed and went to the glass door and tried to pull it open, nothing. She tried again. She peered inside and saw that the door had automatically locked when she had shut. She banged on the door to try and get Sarah’s attention but nothing happened. Sarah had a tendency to turn up her walkman way too loud.

”Shit” she muttered to herself as she slid down the door and brought her knees to her chest.

”Locked out?” came a voice out of the darkness. Kate nearly screamed. She got herself back together in a few seconds and answered.

”Yeah, where are you?”

”I’m at the balcony next you I think. I’m locked out too, why in the hell they put auto locking mechanisms on these doors is beyond me.” Kate smiled he sounded nice enough, she stood up and wandered over to the edge of the balcony. She could see a figure sitting in a chair on the other side. She pulled up a chair and sat down. Might as well make good use of a bad situation.

”Trust my sister to be listening to her walkman and being in her own world just when I need her.” Kate replied. She heard him chuckle. Kate was surprised that she felt good that he had laughed at what she had just said.

“But what about your parents?”

”Oh it’s just us two.”

Kinda a big room for two people don’t you think?”

”Yeah, well we had a smaller one, but lets just say that Brit Air played a big part.”


And so the conversation continued. They were stuck out there for at least half an hour. Soon enough at almost simultaneous times the balcony doors were opened by the people in the rooms and the two were taken into their hotel rooms. They didn’t even know each others names. After they got inside there was an intense curiosity between the two of them to know who the other was, and typically they both headed for the door.


Isaac came inside and welcomed the warm air. Isaac was now in a very good mood, considering the circumstances. He had just about one of the best conversations with a girl since they had become famous. That wasn’t including all of their friends back home. But this was so different. This girl, well she had personality, She was funny, kind, sensitive and he had to admit she sound gorgeous. He had to find out who she was. He let his eyes scan the room and they stopped when they go to the connector door. He looked at it with longing. He knew they had promised each other not to open it again but this was different. He made up his mind and strode to the door causing his brothers to look up and take notice of him. “Hey Ikey Poos what ya doing?” asked Zac looking up from his Game Boy. He got no answered. Isaac put his hand on the handle and took a deep breathe as he turned the knob and pushed the door open using more force than he intended to.

The door came open more forcefully than Isaac expected it too considering he wasn’t putting much effort into it. The next thing he heard was a thump and a shriek and another thump. As if there was an alarm, Tay and Zac were by his side and they opened the door to find a girl of about Tay’s age laying on floor clutching her bleeding nose saying various obscenities and much to Isaac’s surprise beside her was the girl from the plane.

“Holy Cowpats!” said Zac and then the girl looked up and gave them a very confused look. The girl who was lying on the floor in pain, he guessed her to be the sister Kate spoke up.

”Who’s that.?” She crooned her head to see who it was and when she did she went very pale and passed out. Isaac was pretty much in shock, Zac was just staring and the sister, Sarah if he remembered correctly from his earlier conversation with he guessed to Kate. Was just looking at him as though she was trying to work something out. So it was up to Tay to take control of the situation and that he did.

”Okay, Zac go get mom and dad quickly.” Tay said kneeling down next to her. Isaac not knowing what to do went to the bathroom to get some towels and a glass of water. By the time he got back she was revived and was clutching her nose and staring up at Tay stating that she must be dreaming or something along those lines.

”Great.” Tay said getting up and taking the towels from him. Isaac was too guilt stricken to really do anything else. He watched in awe though as his brother started mopping up some of the blood which was now on the white carpet. Soon after that their parents came in with worried looks on their faces. They gave Zac, Tay and him the look that said go to bed we’ll talk later, a look they knew all too well. So the three of them shrunk back into their rooms. Before leaving Isaac turned to Kate. “Sorry.” He said. She shrugged her shoulders. “it happens.” She replied and gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and went into the rooms. It was her all right, she was the one he had just spent half an hour talking to, one of the best talks in his life and he had broken her nose.

Part Five - Less Bloody Confrontation
Story Index
