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Part Five - A Less Bloody Confrontation

Kate awoke the next morning and grimaced as she touched her now swollen nose but then she smiled when she realised who had made it that way. She knew it sounded stupid, but she felt sort of happy that she had meet the Hansons even though it was under pretty bad circumstances. Then again the chances of them meeting again was slim to none, even considering the fact that their hotel rooms were right next to each other. One thing was for certain, she wasn’t going to complain about the door being unlocked but knowing Sarah she would. Kate sighed and reached for her walkman. She still couldn’t get over the conversation with Isaac, well so she assumed, he was the one who opened the door, but what was really freaky was that they had both done it at the same time. She hadn’t had such a good conversation with anyone like that ever. She had felt so relaxed with him, but now she knew who he was it wouldn’t be as comfortable for her, not after a lot of practise anyway.

About half an hour later Kate climbed out of bed went to the bathroom and dressed herself in a pair of jeans and a jumper. Only when she came back into their room did she notice that Sarah was missing. She just shrugged and went over to the TV. Strangely enough Neighbours* was on. It amused Kate to see how far behind they were. About fifteen minutes later Kate got up to order some room service for breakfast, Sarah still hadn’t returned. After room service came she heard some keys at the door.

“Hey Sar, did you get me some Prozac I definitely need some today, I must get happier.” Kate said jokingly.

“Right here!” she heard a young male voice call out. Kate turned around to see Zac Hanson standing in the middle of the room his hands out stretched. And standing near Sarah was Isaac and Taylor rolling their eyes. Sarah herself was standing there with a very smug grin on her face. Well Kate flabbergasted to say the least. More so when Zac bounded over and jumped onto the couch next to her. But what really put the lid on the cake tin was When Isaac came over with a wrapped package of some sorts and handed it to her.

“Sorry about last night, this from all of us.” he said to her.

”I don’t see why you’re giving me this, you didn’t do anything.” Kate said after looking at them for some time.

”Yeah but I feel kind of responsible .” Isaac said looking at her. Kate goosebumps just from that look. She smiled and shook her head and took the present from him.


Isaac watched as the daunted looking Kate opened the rather large box of chocolates that Sarah had told them to get her. It was their mom’s idea to by her something but Sarah picked the chocolates. He had to admit the desired affect was fairly well achieved. Her face sort of lit up. “My god I love these!” she said and simultaneously gave Zac a hug.

“Dude you’re a mad chick magnet.” Called out Tay coming towards the couch and sitting down. Kate jumped up and hugged both Tay and him. She then sat back down and tore open the chocolates and took about four and put them in her mouth, then passed them around. Sarah who was sitting on one of the beds with a very amused look on her face spoke up.

”Now Kate before you make a total pig out of yourself….” She interrupted by Kate.

”Hey don’t knock being a pig okay! It’s a very honourable profession!” What she said wouldn’t have been half as funny if she hadn’t said it with her mouthful. Isaac watched as Everyone excluding Kate tried to hold in their laughter. He could even see tears of laughter swelling up in Tay’s eyes. It was Zac who broke the silence that lead to the tidal wave first. After that the whole room including Kate was laughing after about five minutes Sarah started again.

“What I was going to say was that we have been invited to go to Sega World with, well I don’t think I need to say who at the risk of some very loud screaming.” She finished. Isaac looked at Kate and the look on her face was one of pure disbelief. “Really?” She said look at him quizzically. Isaac nodded “It’s our day off” he said smiling at her. He watched she seemed to be summing it all up in her head. Eventually she looked up at him. She smiled “Sure why the hell not, though I must warn you, I am absolutely hopeless at arcade games and stuff like that.” #########

*A really bad Australian Television show that the Brits seem to love, I think it rates better over there than it does over here.

Part Six - Race Cars
Story Index
