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Part Six - Race Cars

They had spent the last hour and a half at Sega World. Taylor was surprised and impressed by Kate and Sarah. Sarah had gone from the talkative one to the quiet one and Kate went the other way. It was very weird. Although one thing Tay had noticed was the way Ike and Kate were together, maybe he was just over reading but he sensed something there. He’d also noticed that his whole family loved Kate, more than they liked Sarah. Kate was more open and in the last hour had bonded with Mackie, Avie, Jessie and their mom, not to mention the fact that their dad liked her a lot and that was saying a lot about her. In a way Tay saw her as a mixture of Him, Ike and Zac. At the moment she was very hyperactive. Dare he say almost like Zac. Earlier she was more like Tay’s and Ike’s serious side. They had also discovered that she was an incurable romantic. A bit like Ike but more.

Tay looked over at Sarah who was playing pin ball. She was definitely the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She had left an impression on their family but not quite a strong and as lasting one as Kate. At that moment Kate ran up to him.

”Hey Tay come looky what we found.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him off through the maze of shooting, fighting and racing games, until they got to where one of those race car games where you sat in a chair and it moved and you could race against each other. Well there four of them lined up in a row. Zac and Ike were sitting there waiting. Tay grinned and jumped on. For the next five or ten minutes they were focused intensely on beating Kate. They’d found out earlier that she excelled at the racing games. She said it was due to countless boring summers where she had nothing better to do than go on Mario Kart on Super Nintendo. Not Surprisingly she whipped their asses.

After that they all went and did several different things. Tay lost sight of Kate and even bumped into Zac and Ike looking for her as well. After spending five minutes looking for her they finally found her getting out of this sort of helicopter game. Tay couldn’t help but notice the look of relief on Ike’s face.

”Hey guys where’s Sar?” she asked. They looked at each other and grimaced.

”What don’t tell me you lost her?” Kate said looking at them as though it were a joke.

”You lost her!” she cried out which caused several passers by to look up.

”We didn’t lose her, we just misplaced her.” Tay said trying to reassure.

”And besides, she can look after herself.” Ike said look Kate in the eye. Tay noted that Kate looked at him and seemed to be reassured. Kate smiled.

”yeah, she’s probably in some corner chatting up a guy.” She said. “Come on lets go look.” She hooked her arms through Zac and Ike’s arms. Tay couldn’t help but feel a little rejected. Zac who had been unusually quiet up until now looked at.

”Awww look guys we left Tay on his lonesome, don’t worry Taytay we love you.” Zac broke away and jumped onto him and hugged him tightly.


Kate walked arm in arm with Isaac through the crowded plaza, it was a bit hard to get anywhere since they guys were periodically being stopped to sign autographs. They did eventually find Sarah and Kate had been right she was chatting up a guy in the corner. Not surprisingly he was also a major babe.

”Kats!” Sarah called out getting up and grabbing the guy by the hand and bringing her with him. “Kate this is Curtis, Curtis this is Kate, Isaac, Taylor and Zac. Curtis is staying in the same hotel with us.” Sarah said with a large smile on her face. Kate knew this smile, she knew that she would have to either watch or try to ignore a very long snogging session in the hotel room. It was at this point Diana came up to the holding Mackie’s hand with Jessie and Avie trailing behind her with her father.

”Guys, I think we should go now, we were thinking of stopping by Macdonald’s if that’s OK?” she said. They all looked at each other and it was Tay who spoke up first. “Do you even have to ask mom?” he grinned and they started to walk off. Kate turned just in time to see Sarah whisper something in Curtis’s ear and see him grin in anticipation and then she ran to catch up with them. Kate looked at her sister. Sarah smiled and blushed a little tried to ignore Kate’s accusing glare.

Part Seven - Truth Or Dare?
Story Index
